Chapter 22. THE END

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It’s a bright summer’s day. We’re sitting on the crest of a hill, the five of us splayed out, enjoying the heat of the sun and peace of the day. Lunch is spread out before us, a haphazard collection of bits and pieces that we bought from the corner store down the street.

I’m lying down, my eyes shut, and every muscle in my body relaxed as the sun warms me up. My hand is intertwined with Nick’s, our fingers and palms moulding together as if they were made to fit, like two puzzle pieces.

My friends sit beside me, chattering away about school, and boys, and homework. I’m only partially listening, spending most of my focus on the breeze, and the heat of the sun, and the heat and pressure of Nick’s hand. The words seem to float in one ear and out the other, I don’t take many of them in. But they’re not meant for me.

It’s very nice. Relaxing together under the sun. Surrounded by people you love, and love you back. Eating and laughing and smiling and talking and kissing and starting all over again.

There, in that moment, I feel so perfect, so happy and joyful and full of bliss. The happiness warms me up, filling my whole body with a pleasant, contented heat. In that moment, with my friends beside me, and Nicks hand in mine, everything feels just perfect. Absolutely perfect, like it’s never been before. And filled with that perfect happiness, I realize that I want to put that feeling in a book someday. That I could write about that feeling. That I could preserve it, and hold with words. That I could recreate that feeling in a story.

I realized I wanted to put everything that’s happened to me in a book. The dreams. The Rift. Faith. And this, this happy ending. I could write a book. I could write my own book.

And I felt like I needed to. I needed to write it out. I knew that writing about this would help me. And it has. Of course it has.

 But it wasn’t just that. That wasn’t the only thing that drove me to write. Because I need to do something great when I grow up. I need to do something awesome. I need to make my life worth something, and not just for me, for both of us. Because I got the second chance that she could never have. And I need to make it worth something. So here I go.

I’m writing this story for both of us. Because I’m sure she would have wanted me too. So this story is for you, all right Faith? I hope you enjoy it.

I can’t believe it’s almost over. The story of me. Me and her, and everything around us. So maybe it’s not just the story of me. Whatever it is, I already know what’s it’s going to be called.

Here on the hill, I’m full of it. It fills me up, because sometimes, it comes with happiness. It comes with friends, and love, and a future. Technically it’s trust, hope and belief in the goodness, trustworthiness or reliability of a person, concept or entity.

Because it’s about her, for her, part of her, and without her, I never would be here to write it. And I love her for everything she’s done for me, and all the times she made me smile, even when I felt like all I could do was cry.  And I’ll never quite forget her. She’s always at the back of my mind. But I’m happy, and I hope she is too.



 Goodness. HOLY CRAP. IT’S DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!


Thanks a million to all those who voted, commented, fanned, or even read this far into my story. Every single one of you is amazing. You are all my new best friends. Seriously.

If any of you has seen any problems with the story, pretty please tell me them!! Because this story needs edited now!!! I’d really appreciate if you guys would point out my mistakes. That makes my life easier. 

I really hope you guys liked it. If you did, please tell me! I’d love to know!!! It makes me smile. So please, if you liked this story, comment, vote, and fan. You are all so awesome.


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