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I'VE BREACHED THE WALL, and now I want to go back inside it.
OK, fine, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I wouldn't want to go back in there if I was being chased by a half-starved gundark. But what I see isn't exactly a pretty sight.
I'm in a magnificent feat of architecture, a vast cavern of modern and ancient design. But I hardly take notice. Across a narrow—but not too narrow—catwalk that reaches over a rocky chasm into a large space lies another terrible obstacle:
Droids. Clankers.
Well, not exactly the clankers I'm used to fighting, but they all look the same to me. But on closer inspection I see multiple types of bots—nothing I can or care to remember the technical names of—some walking, limping, lumbering, some climbing about, some hovering, some meant for hovering but instead waddling miserably on the floor for lack of any limbs. They have bearings similar to that of a medic's, and suddenly this place starts making a bit more sense.
The metal monstrosities crawl around the walls in the space across the catwalk, an infestation of rotted programming; and they're all glancing at me.

Blast it! Out of the shuttle and into the fray...
I try to think of a way to escape, maybe through the hallway one of the catwalks allow to be traversed, but those don't look like they go anywhere, and all doors are exactly like the one I came out of. I could take my chances in one of those rooms, but I feel the urge to fight.
I'd settle for a good blaster right about now.
One of the droids finally lets out a pitiful but bloodcurdling screech and the swarm floods over in my direction. My legs are still sore, and fear isn't helping me move in this situation.
The droids approach faster, probably on me in five...

But wait, I don't have anything to fight with...


...and I'm not exactly in the right condition for an all out brawl.


But I'm not gonna let some rusty old clankers take me down, am I?


'Clone Trooper No. ???, Cause of Death: Medical Droids.' Nope, doesn't sound too dignified.


They're on me.

Frak! That's the last time I decide on whether to die at the hands of med bots in my head!!

And it very well might be: I jerk backwards as soon as I feel their clutches on my chest, and I tumble off the catwalk, into the abyss.

Ladies and gentlemen, your brave soldier of the Grand Army!

Fragging frag fraggit!!


Hey, Star Warriors! So, I haven't been on in a while, but I just needed to continue this story! I hope this chapter wasn't too rushed for you guys, life's just really busy😂 And I promise our heroic clone will make up for this failure (he's been through a lot, he just needs to get back in shape lol).
🎨Anyways, can you guys help me come up with a number, nickname, and backstory for the clone?😃 I want this story to be a little more interactive, and if I like something, I won't hesitate to use it! MTFBWY! (And yes, frag is a real SW curse word😂)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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