Chapter 3

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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter!:) Also, ENJOY! x

Here we were. At Niall's, doing homework. I was happy we didn't have much, as I was really excited about seeing my little cousins. Niall saw me smiling and he smiled at me. He of course knew why I was so happy. I wondered if there is anyone else in this world that loves kids as much as I do. And I don't think there is. We talked, I explained Maths to him and when we finished we talked about my cousins. I told him their names and it was interesting to him, as he didn't know any twins. "Okay, go Harry! Go be with your babies." He playfully poked me and I smiled a big smile. I quickly got up, gave him a hug and put the jacket on. I went out the door and turned the GPS on. I didn't exactly know how to get to their house, I just knew it was in this direction somewhere. I couldn't wait any longer. I waved to Niall and I was out.

I soon arrived at theirs. I stopped at the door for a bit, as I was still nervous. I still didn't really know them, even though they were family. And I really hoped we would change that now. I rang the bell, hoping the kids weren't sleeping and I was glad when Louis opened the door with a baby in his hands. I didn't know which one it was. They were too small for me to tell them apart yet. I smiled at him and he invited me in. This was a dream. A beautiful one. I stood in the hallway, made my way to the bathroom, as I wanted to hold the babies with clean hands, obviously! I washed my hands properly and then I followed Louis to the living room. There he smiled at me and without any words he put the baby in my arms. This was the best feeling in the world. Having a living being in your hands, completely dependent on you, as fragile as it gets. I just loved it. I looked at the baby and smiled. I caressed their cheek and head and just fell in love more every second. I didn't even care which one it was. "Daisy." Louis just said her name and that was it, like he knew I didn't tell them apart. It was so sweet and she was so sweet. So small, so precious.

"So, how are you, Harry?" Louis asked me, when we finally sat down, smiling with a child in my hands I answered. "I'm great, how about you?" We made small talk, then he stood up and started cleaning up. I wondered where Ivy was and Marcel as well. I was just sitting there, Looking at Daisy and rocking her a bit. Louis was now in the kitchen, probably cleaning the dishes and that was definitely something I could get used to. I loved it and I wanted a baby of my own so bad. I also wanted to talk to Louis and get to know him better, so I stood up, carefully, so I didn't scared Daisy and walked to the kitchen. I rocked her in my arms and was watching Louis while he was cleaning the kitchen up. I didn't know what to say or ask. I wondered what was appropriate, and what was crossing the line. We didn't really have any kind of a relationship, so I was really confused. But I wanted to start building one. I thought, if I wanted to spend more time with the babies, I should built a nice relationship with their parents. "How did you meet my aunt?" I thought that was an appropriate question, as we never really talked about it. One day, he was just there. I looked at him, trying to figure out how he feels about the question, and I loved it when I saw him smiling. That meant he cared. And I liked that. I liked that the twins are being raised in a loving family. I love that my parents still love each other and still go on dates and such. It just makes me so happy. Love makes me happy.

"We met in Denmark actually. We were both studying there for a bit and we started hanging out as we were almost the only ones that were from England. So after a couple of times we hang out, we started having feelings for each other and one time I kissed her. And that was only the beginning. Then we came back to England and we lost contact for a couple of weeks, but we soon found each other again and then you know the rest. We started living together after just one month." He laughed at the thought. It sounded like a beautiful love story. I hope I find something like that with someone. "What about you? Do you have a special someone?" He asked.

"No, I don't. And to be honest, I'm not even looking for anything right now. People always say it comes when you expect it the least, so I guess this is what I'm doing. If he was to come now, I'd be beyond happy, but if he doesn't, I'm okay as well. I have enough things to keep me occupied anyway." I answered and I could see a surprised look on his face. Of course it was because of me using male pronouns. Maybe he didn't realize I was gay. Oh well.

"And just to be sure, I wanted you to know that I meant it, when I said I can come babysit them anytime you need me to. Maybe you want to go for a date, to the shop, anything. I'm one call away." I said seriously and he laughed at me, but in a cute way.

"By the way, I wanted to ask; where are Ivy and Marcel?" I questioned, as now I was sure nobody else was in the house.

"Oh, they went to the doctor. Marcel has a medical check-up. With him, there were some complications at birth, so now for the first year, he has to go there every two weeks." He answered and I began to worry. I didn't want to ask, as I saw how tough it was for Louis to talk about it. I just wanted to give him a hug at this moment. Instead, I touched his shoulder with my free hand and he smiled.

"I'm just happy he is alive. I love both of them so much. Children are such a miracle, and I always dreamed of having a family. People used to make fun of me of how much I love kids." He smiled shyly.

And with those words, it hit me.

I found someone who loves kids as much as I do.

And with that thought, I smiled.

There it is! I'm doing quite well with weekly updates for now, don't you think? I hope you enjoy it, and don't worry there will be larry, just not so fast. I wanna write this as realistic as I can and I don't want to make anyone the bad guy. Just be patient please and let me know what you think! You can also support me and encourage me by buying me a coffee, the link is on my profile in the description! It costs you 2€ and it means more than you can imagine to me!

I'm also writing my first even 'real' book, so some encouragement would also be for that! Thank you so much lovelies!

Yours truly

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