Chapter ~ 3

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   I ignored Aiden for the remaining time of class. I just focused on Mr. Grey. He was explaining all the things we need to do and have for the project.

   “I hope each one of you put one hundred percent participation in this project. I don’t want to hear about one person doing the whole project. You will be getting to know your partner throughout this whole project. I know it may not have much to do with this subject, but I have my reasons” he paused then claps his hands together “Now, I’ve listed the things you and your partner will be doing on the board. Make sure you’re keeping track on what things you have already finished on the list and write a paragraph about what you’ve learned”  Mr. Grey pressed a button and then the list appeared. The board said:

GET TO KNOW EACHOTHER MORE Pftt I’d hate to get to know him.


STUDY TOGETHER Ehh I guess that’s not too bad

MEET EACHOTHERS FAMILY Now that I know will never happen

BUY SOMETHING FOR ONE ANOTHER Hmm not bad…I wonder what he would buy for me.

GO ON A WEEKEND TRIP Okay that’s weird…not going to happen in a million years

DO SOMETHING REBLLIOUS Haha me rebellious? Yeah right. Coming from a girl that reads on her free time….

GO TO A PARTY No way. I’ve never actually gotten invited to a party before.

TELL A DEEP SECRET No I can’t do that. Too personal.

COME UP WITH 3 MORE THINGS TO DO (appropriate for school) Wow..I wonder what would Aiden come up with..

   I finished reading the board and the one that caught my eye the most was TELL A SECRET. Hmm I wonder what secret Aiden had.

   I stare at Mr. Grey in disbelief. I think in my head Are you kidding me? Honestly, I’d rather do this project alone. Wait a second... My hand shot up "Mr. Grey I would like to do this project independently" I could see Aiden looking at me from the corner of my eye and I couldn’t help but smirk. Mr. Grey looked at me with a confused expression “Umm Ameli you need a partner for this assignment. I don’t expect you to do all of this alone. Most of it isn’t really possible. It is already set in stone. You’re working with Aiden or fail your first grade of the year” Mr. Grey finished and moved back into his chair. Oh my God. First Aiden runs into me and acts like a total jerk. Mr. Grey being another total jerk. What a great first day…

   Before I know it the bell rings signaling the end of class. I quickly get up and try to ignore a certain someone. I try and make my way peacefully through the hallway like it’s always been but I hear a voice calling my name. I immediately recognize who it is but I just keep walking to the gym room.

  “Ameli! Ameli! Ame-“

  “What!?” I say.

  “Why didn’t you respond to the first few times I called you?” he runs in front of me making me bump into him yet again.

  “Well if you must know Aiden, I like being alone. Bye” I say and I walk around him just to have him run in front of me blocking me again. Okay he is going to make me late again.  I huff and push past him.

 “Well first we have to discuss what we are going to do with the project in Mr. Grey’s class. Where are you going?” he asks and starts to try and keep up with my pace.

 “I have Gym this period so I’m going to the Gymnasium” I say.

 “Oh me too I’ll walk you then” he replies. Great another class with him.

  “Fine can we just hurry up?” I ask.

 “Ok, well we should meet up at Starbucks, yeah?” He says. I’m too annoyed to think it over.

“Sure whatever” I see that we are at the locker rooms. “Now can you leave so I can go to the locker room?” He moves away. “Thank you” I say. Surprised that he didn’t put up a fight or make a jerk comment.

“You’re welcome Nerd” And there that goes… I ignore name he calls me now and enter the locker room.

  Thank goodness nothing else happened during Gym class. I ended up sitting on the bleachers and Aiden seemed to be a bit busy flirting with Alexa twirling her bleach blonde hair with her index finger. I’m curious on how her shorts are allowed. They should be considered as underwear. Aiden looks in my direction, smirks and winks. I laugh, roll my eyes, and look in the other direction.

  My last class was easy and fun. I mean I’m a student helper. How hard can it be? Plus, I like helping out and being around the books. Once the bell rings I say a quick bye to Mr. O and Mrs. May and make my way to the parking lot to my car. Of course I just so happen to be parked next to a smirking Aiden leaning on his black truck. It’s just going to your car Ameli he might not even talk.

 “Hi” Darnit….couldnt get passed him.

 “Hi! Bye!” I quickly say and grab my key and unlock the door.

  “Woah wait we need to work on our project” he says. I roll down my window.

  “Umm I have to go my mom needs me to run some errands before I get home. We have plenty of time to talk later, but now isn’t a great time” I say. In a blink of an eye he’s at my window.

“Holy crap” I say shocked.

 “Is everything okay?” he asks and he surprising has a bit worry in his eyes. I can’t help but notice that he has a little bit of brown in them. I shake the thoughts out of my head.

 “Oh yeah everything is fine I just need to get some stuff. I don’t want to come home to an angry mother” Which is true but I had nothing to do for my mom. So I pull out of the parking lot in a quick but swift motion so it seems like I’m in a hurry. He waves and I drive away. 


    I pull into my driveway and see that my mom is home. I grab my things and walk into the house. “Hey momma I’m home!” I say then I’m quickly greeted by our dog Casey. She is such a goof. I make my way over to the couch and sit down. I pet Casey’s soft black hair and I just watch her nuzzle against my leg. We’ve had her for a few years now but we don’t really know what kind of dog she is. Then Greg, one of my cats jumps onto my lap and plops down like I’m some kind of pillow. I just pet his soft coat and watch him purr.

  “Hi Sweetie! How was your day?” she asks. I sigh and she automatically knows how I’m feeling.

 “Uh-Oh. I guess I’ll go pour you a cup of coffee” she knows I love coffee and it relieves some stress. She returns with my coffee and take a sip.

“Ahhhhhh” now that I’m satisfied that the little stress was lifted off of my shoulders.

 “Thanks momma” I give her a smile and walk into my room I know I shouldn’t take a nap, but I just love naps so much. In time am already feeling sleepy and soon I fall asleep.

  Alrighty there ya go! Its 4 in the morning. Meeehh I feel so groggy. I knew that I needed to upload and FAST! Haha so how do you like it so far? I also made my own cover! Oh and I mentioned that this story relates to my life! Well not EVERYTHING DOES! Just little things here and there are true. Well off to bed for me. I’ll try to update in the next few days! Thanks J  -C

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