bad news and finding

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It was already the next day when i woked up. Which meant going to school again. I took off my clothes and got inside the shower. Wow...i was asleep that long. Afteri got out of the shower, i got dressed and eat breakfast , i got my stuff and left to college. I got there and saw a worried hide. "Good morning hide, whats wrong", he would usually smile and be cheerful."(f/n)...kankei...." i got really confused," what about kaneki?" Hide grabbed my hand"umm..hide, your scaring me" hide pulled me out the front gates, out the school." We have to go, kaneki is in the hospital" i looked at him shocked"w-what do u mean, DID SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HIM?!?!?" Hide didn't say anything and kept running with me to the hospital
*At the hospital*
Me and hide fast walked in the corridors, all the door where white with a small glass that could see the inside of the room. Kaneki's room was at the end of the hall. Both of us stopped in front of his door. I couldn
see through the small window in the door, kaneki was awake..talking to the doctor. At least he was moving and alive. "Can you see anything" Hide says trying to take a peek in the little glass window.U saw the doctor turn to the door and open it , so i backed away. The doctor smiled at me and hide," you guys can come inside, just be careful with him", he passes by us and disappears in the hallway. We both walk inside.kaneki smiled seeing our presents"oh hey guys, what are you doing here". me and his exchange looks,"well we came to see if you can give me the 10 dollars that you still own me, WE CAME HERE TO SEE YOU, YOU ALMOST SCARED US TO DEATH" he scream. Ive never seen this part of hide, pretty scary side." Well ok hide, no need for yelling", poor kaneki voice sounded shaky. I sat on the side od his bed" The good thing is that your feeling better." The tray with food in the table next to his bed catched my eye" and you also need to eat your food so that you can feel better" i added, the food hasn't even been touched, maybe just a small bite but other then that, nothing at all. The doctor walks in again, with a smile on his face "Mr. Ken, i have good news for you, you can leave leave tomorrow, but you need to have lots and lots of rest.
A bright smile formed on my face," that great news, we can have our old kaneki back".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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