New Friends

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I let out a long sigh as I sat down at my desk. I loved the college and really hoped I like the classes but getting up at six o’clock was not fun. My first class was nutrition with Mrs. Phlo. The class had a nice feel to it. There were a lot of posters around the room most of them pertaining to nutrition and healthy eating. However, there were a few that had bands on them or sayings. Then of course there was the Pens poster.

Smiling I thought of Max and the guys. The Pens had one last game in Tampa before heading home. After that was a couple of days off and then Max came into town on the 24th for the game. After which we would head off to Canada to meet his family for my birthday.

“Alright class, I know it’s early and the first day for many of you but we unfortunately have to get right to work. We have a very busy semester this year and to finish it all I would be prepared for at least two hours of homework every night but Friday’s.”

Groaning we all slumped in our chairs like a bunch of five year olds pouting.

“Mrs. Phlo?” some kid behind me asked while raising his hand.

“Yes?” Mrs. Phlo answered.

“What’re the rules of the class?” he asked. Damn he was sexy I thought to myself as he finally leaned forward enough for me to see. His semi-long jet black hair was falling into his face and making his blue eyes seem to pop out from underneath them. He had a nice jaw line and his lips looked perfect. Trailing my eyes further downward I saw that he had a nice sculpted body to top it off. He eventually caught me staring and gave me a wink. Blushing I turned back around.

Great way to start off your first day of college I thought to myself. He probably thought I was interested now when in reality I just loved the blue eyed black haired combo. Besides I had Max and he’s everything I could ever want.

“There really aren’t any rules besides the usual. You can’t be obnoxious and you may only talk one at a time. There’s free seating, you may eat and drink in the class as long as you clean up, and cell phones are allowed but only after you finish your work if I catch you with them while working I will take them for a week. Including the weekend.” She said looking at all of us.

“Sweet,” I mumbled underneath my breath.

“What was that,” she said while walking over to my desk and looking at the name tag on it. “Sierra?”

“I just said sweet. It sounds like this class is gonna be awesome I love being able to eat in the mornings.” Smiling she walked away and pulled out a stack of papers.

“As I was saying we have a lot of work this year but I do need to know e-mails, numbers, names, and addresses. Any medications or extra info you want to add is fine with me too.” She said while passing them out. “Just so you all know a little bit about me I’m from Ohio and my first name which you may call me by is Carol. I’m 29 and have teached here for five years. I’m happily and newly married so guys please don’t ask me on a date.” At this she stopped and looked at a guy who just so happened to be staring at her butt.

“Staring a little too hard there are we?” I called out across the room. Most of the people chuckled including Mrs. Phlo but the guy who had been staring turned to me and gave me a glare.

“Boy please my glares are worse.” I said while filing out my paper. Sighing the guy turned in his seat and pulled out a pencil.

“I’m also a huge Pens fan,” she said gaining some cheers from the guys. I just stayed quiet and watched as the guys started talking amongst themselves.

“I doubt you know very much about them I mean come on you’re a girl.” the guy I had found oh so cute had said.

At that I got pissed. “Excuse me but just because we’re girls doesn’t mean we don’t know sports. In fact, I’m willing to bet I know more about the Penguins than you ever will. Sexist pig.” I said seriously frustrated.

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