Triggered .

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"Where is she?" I came to the desk asking Caroline. My hair was still dripping wet from the shower & my clothes stuck to my skin. She has this worried expression on her face as she got up to face me. I don't like this look at all.

"Calm down, she was just put in a room. She came in emergency for a fall & only wants to speak to you."
"A-a fall?" I thought it was serious.
"But the doctors doesn't believe it was a fall.." Of course not, I suddenly get upset.
"It was inflicted on," I said, "Where is she?"
"Room 3, & you have to report back to the doctor of what she tells you."

I knock on the door & slowly open the door. "Allison?"
"I'm here.." She's on the bed.

I see an ice pack on her leg. She is also crying from the pain because she winces every now & then.

"How's the pain?" I quickly rush over to her & bent down by her bedside rubbing her back.
"It's hurts a lot," she begins to cry again. I quickly hug her telling her it'll be okay.
"What happened?" I ask her. All I want to know it which Stone did it. Jared or Darius.
"I didn't move fast enough.." She began.
"What do you mean sweetie?"
"He got upset, he was waving his arms around, I knew he was going to throw a tantrum again.."
"Did he hit you?"
She nodded. "He got more upset when I cried.."
"Who hit you?"
"Uncle. Uncle Darius."

I freaking knew it.

I got up telling her I'll be right back but she quickly grabbed my hand.

"Don't go, Uncle Jared will get mad."
What? I'm confused. "I thought Uncle Darius hit you.."
"But Uncle Jared will do worse.."


I bent down by Allison again. "What do mean worse?"
"He watches, but if I cry too much he will bring me into his room and..."

Wait a minute.

"Allison?" She doesn't respond to me. She keeps looking down. "Allison? What does Uncle Jared do?"

No response still.

"It's okay, you can tell me.." I try to sound as calm as possible. "Does he touch you?" I better not loose it.

She nods & begins to cry again, this time she cries louder begging me not to leave her. I become emotionless. I can't even comfort her cries. The air was snatched from my throat. I haven't even realized I was crying myself. My body tensed up & my blood begin to boil. Both the doctor and Arthur came rushing in asking me what's wrong with her and me. But I was in too much shock to speak. The doctor told Arthur to take me out the room to try to get my attention. Caroline stepped out from around the desk rushing over to me. I still couldn't get a word out.

"Guys you can't go in there!" I hear someone shout. I turn my head slowly to see two security guards calling out to both Darius & Jared. Who now stops dead in there tracks when they seen me.

And I snapped.

"YOU TWISTED FUCKS!" I shout across the hall running towards them.

Arthur & Caroline try to hold me back but I was out their reach too fast. The security guards turn around to stop me but I dodged them both & start to swing on both Darius & Jared. I punch one in the nose breaking it while giving another a black eye. I start to pick up anything & start to throw it their way. I am immediately pulled off them both so I began kicking & screaming.


I continue to shout, cry, & kick uncontrollably. Everyone was watching, some even came rushing to this hall to see what the commotion was all, about.

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