The Bet .

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"I really thought you were kidding about that."
"I don't kid around when it comes to you making it up to me."
A smirk crept up slowly against his face. He was beginning to pick up speed. I think he wants to make that green light.
"Can you please slow down?" I started to panic a little.
"Scared of cars huh?" He had an evil look. I'm sure he was going to use this as an advantage.
"Zac please stop, seriously.." I got even more nervous when I felt the speed increase.
"You were going to bail on the bet weren't you?" He smiled as he passed by the green light. "Admit it or else.."
"Yes! Now stop!" I rose my voice a little. He slowly decreased the speed.
"Now will you make it up to me?" Will he drop it?
"Time to speed up the car again."
"Okay okay! Yes I will."

He started to laugh at my scared expression. It's so not funny. I pouted my face. He looked over quickly & sighed.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, for scaring you." His eyes were modest. I believed him.
"It's okay..Turn up here." I looked out the window to realize we were pulling up onto my driveway. He turned off the ignition & sighed heavily.

"Thank you for the dinner tonight, I really had fun." He flashed his pearly white smile.
"You're welcome." I answered.

I was getting ready to leave but then fidgeted on whether to ask if they will meet each other soon or just thank him & get out. I sighed & gave one last look. The door clicked thinking he had unlocked it for me, but then realized it was locked. I looked over at him & he smirked then hit the button again. Locked still. He sure does love to joke around. "Stop playing, I have to go." I said jokingly. "Oh you're not going anywhere." Zac responded. I was waiting for him to smirk again, but no smirk. I searched for his eyes in the mid darkness & met his gaze once he tilted his head back in the light. Hunger & danger was lurking in his eyes. I slowly slid back to the door a little frightened. All it took was that one look to invite him in.

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you."
"Then why not let me out?" I quickly asked.
A devilish grin appeared. "You have to make it up to me remember.."
Crap. "How's that going to happen?"
"I'll give you two choices. Kiss me or get embarrassed."

What? What did he mean by get embarrassed? That makes no sense. Has to be the wine talking.

"I will not kiss you." No way I'm kissing a guy on the first day.

He sighed & unlocked the doors. But he got out almost angry slamming the door in the process. What the hell? I followed his direction as he opened my door. I looked up confused. "Come on." He stretched his hand out waiting for me to touch them. I almost didn't want to, but I reached for it. The moment I touched his hand he yanked me out of the car.

"Hey! What's your problem?" I started to get upset. He completely ignored me. I was ready to snap my hand away but his firm grip held me closeby. He closed my side of the door & pushed my back against it. He let go of my hand then rested both his palms on both sides of my body on his car. He trapped me in. He started to lean in but I raised my hands to stop him in the process.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you sweetheart.." He said in a dark tone.

I kept pushing & he sighed quickly grabbing my hands. He pinned them against the car. His grip didn't hurt but it was strong enough for me to stay still. I started to fidget. "Told you so." Zac then leaned all the way in to me. His body pressed my back against the car. I could feel the pecks underneath his shirt. My heart started to race. He was inches away from my lips. "You will make it up to me" he growled.

His lips brushed lightly against mines making me flush. Then made his way towards my right cheek & down my jawline. I shuddered from the tickling sensation I felt once he reached my neck. I heard his chuckle against my neck. My heart beat raced faster & louder.

"Z-Zac can you-" I began to say until he cut me off. "Shh." Was all he said as he whispered to my ears.

Then suddenly licked my ear lobe. My eyes shot open & I gasped. I then realized what he meant by embarrassing me. We are outside. Even though it is dark I'm pretty sure neighbors would love to be noisy. I then snap back to my senses. "Okay you've embarrassed me enough, now can you please-", one of his hands slid up under my dress on my inner thigh. I jumped in the process. "Talk again one more time & I'll be sure to really embarrass you." He's trying to turn me on outside! Is he crazy? His hand found what they were looking for under my dress & pressed on it roughly. They were already wet. A soft moan escaped my lips. He looked into my eyes & smiled. "That was definitely a real moan." I quickly averted my eyes as I flushed deeply. I was so embarrassed. "You chose to not kiss me" he continued.

Zac slowly removed his hand my under my dress & rested both his hands on my sides. I still was too embarrassed to speak as I folded my arms across my chest. I made sure my hair covered my face as I looked away. He sighed. I felt his hands brush back my hair & hold up my face so I can meet his gaze.

"Lea?" His eyes pleaded for a response.
"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered.
"Doesn't look that way..I didn't mean to make you feel un-"
This time I cut him off. "That's not it, I just wish you'd save that for when we're not outside."
"Ohh?" He laughed. "But then it wouldn't be embarrassing. It would turn into something else. I won't be able to control myself then." A small smile played on his face. "Your body doesn't seem to mind that idea, judging by how wet you were.." I slapped his chest & made a move to get away but he held me back. "Oh, come on Ling-Ling!" He bursted into laughter. Now he calls me by my nickname? This was so not funny.
"Since you think it's funny, can I go in my house now?" I said annoyingly.
He suddenly stopped laughing. "I don't want this night to end with you being upset. That wasn't my intention." His eyes were sorry & his lips pursed. "I am sorry Lea."
I sighed in defeat. "I forgive you." There goes his smile.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you for the wonderful dinner." I smiled softly. "Um, can I go inside now?"
"Yes, let me walk you to your door." I started to search for my keys when I realized I don't have my purse. Oh no. I stopped in front of the door puzzled then looked at Zac.
"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"..My keys, I didn't leave with my purse.."
He mouthed "o" & looked back at his car. I really don't want to go to his house.
"Well, you can come over-"
"Hell no. So you can embarrass me some more? I don't think so." He laughed.
"Then how are you getting inside your house?" He waved at the door.

Then it hit me. The dirt! We always kept a spare key in the dirt in the flower pot. I quickly moved him aside & knelt down to the flower pot.

"What are you doing?" He was confused at my sudden movement. I dug through the plant & found the spare key. I held it up to him to see. "Ahh, smart of you guys." He sighed. Not because he was tired but because I wasn't going home with him. I giggled at the thought. I opened the door then turned to face him.

"Well, now you can go home." I said with s smile on my face.
"Geez, you want me gone that badly?" He pouted.
"I didn't mean it like that Zac." I rolled my eyes.
He smiled. "I know." He then leaned in & kissed my cheek. He watched as my face brightened. "I love seeing you blush."
My heart raced. "O-okay," his smiled grew wider when I stuttered. "Well, have a good night."
"You too Lea," he suddenly turned around. "I'll let you know when I'll be taking you out again. This time a date."
I smiled widely. I don't know why the idea of seeing him again my me happy. "Alright then."
"There's that beautiful smile." With that he walked away & entered his car.

My phone buzzed. A text from Zac? I opened it. I seen you checking me out when I was walking away. I burst into laughter closing the door. I caught a glimpse of him laughing as well in the car. I turned around to find my purse on the kitchen table. I shook my head. I kicked off my heels & started to walk to the bathroom. I showered. The whole time I was thinking of Zac's hand exploring every inch of my body. I don't know how many times I smiled throughout the thought. I then walked to my bedroom & dropped onto my sheets. Plugged my phone in the charger & rested my head on the pillow. Sleepiness crept onto me. Slowly my mind went blank as I drifted off to sleep.

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