And there was so much left unsaid

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There are so many things that she had wish she could have said before everyone packed up and left her, there are so many things that she wishes would have come from her mouth instead of the lies that spilled every second. 'I'm okay' and 'I'm fine' being her favourite lies to tell, they escaped her pale dry lips at least ten times a day or more. When her parents where still with her, she would sneak out when sleep have over come everyone. In her pajamas that her now gone mother had bought her, and the plush purple girly slippers her grandmother had bought her, and that she had excpted based on the fact she once adored her grandmother and couldn't bare to see a frown on her face. she snuck down into the cold estate carpark to inhale on whather so called 'step-father' once called a the worst habbit to have. The once little girl slowly began to fill her lungs with tar and other chemicals, because no one knew she was going through hell in a two bedroom flat.

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