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I'm so excited to be writing on this again and also, always feedback. Keep rockin' chinchillas.

Ricky's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the awkward hospital room lighting. The steady beeps from the machines around me filled my ears giving me the familiar nauseous feeling. The first thought to come into my head was to find Chris. I sat up and looked to mt left to see him sleeping peacefully in a chair underneath the window. A half smile spread across my cheeks at his peaceful state and slowly relaxed again. I wanted to wake him but since I was unsure of how long he'd been able to sleep I didn't and started looking around at things in the room to pass the time. After only a few seconds I heard a small groan from the corner where Chris sat, making my eyes immediately snap that direction. His eyes slowly opened, his brow furrowing slightly as he became re-aware of his surroundings. He eventually sat up, looking over at me. My heart started to race as a sleepy smile spread across his lips. Was it actually me that made him light up like that...? I sheepishly smiled back at him as he stood and made his way to the bed. He sat softly on the side of the bed, simply looking down at me with his eyes soft and seemingly full of thought. "Ricky..." he started but paused, biting his lip. I swear I saw tears start to brim his eyes but Chris wasn't one to cry over anything much less me. Before he could start talking again, Lexa entered the room and gave an uneasy smile towards Chris then walked over to me. "How are you feeling this morning?" She asked with a bright smile. I just mumbled, "Alright..." unable to take my eyes off of Chris. He was unpacking a bag in the floor. The bag was mine as I soon came to realize along with everything he was pulling out of it. The nurse continued rattling instructions and crap from her medical chart but I didn't hear any of it. Chris was at our house late last night gathering things I would need and taking the time and care to pack it up and bring it down here. He'd never done anything so unselfish and not self rewarding for.. well a long time. "You'll be with us for another night or so, okay?" I heard Lexa ask, causing my head to snap back her direction. I nodded, not really knowing what I was 'okaying'. She smiled and sat down 2 bottles of pills obviously for me to take. I sighed at the idea and looked back at Chris. The nurse finally finished her lecture and stood up and left the room. Chris nervously cleared his throat and handed me a clean change of clothes and pajamas, shampoo and soap, my toothbrush and obviously my hairbrush. I blushed shyly looking up at him. "Thank you.." I nearly whispered, trying to pull myself out of the bed. My arms felt like jell-o and I could barely feel my legs so this small task was nearly impossible. Amidst my struggle I felt Chris put his hand softly on my back, bracing me and making sure I didn't fall down. I felt my arms finally give out, causing me to fall directly into Chris' arms. He used both of his arms to pull me up and helped me stand still for a few seconds. Once he let go, my legs turned to fucking water, making me fall right into his chest. I heard him chuckle, making my heart skip several beats also making me look up to see what he was laughing at. I looked up, my brow slightly furrowed. He didn't say anything, just let his hands fall to my waist as he helped me to the bathroom.

Once there I sat my things down and held onto the counter as I finally felt my legs return to normal. "Thank you." I said realizing Chris was still in the doorway. "You're welcome." He smiled, "Its the least I could do.." he mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. I turned around to see him almost blushing and looking sort of nervous. "A-are you okay..?" I asked cautiously, still unaware of my boundaries. "Yeah." He paused. "Yeah totally fine." He smiled widely. I turned back around, about to pull the hideous hospital gown off my body when I remembered Chris was still in the doorway. I looked over my shoulder, trying to see if he would go or not. "Oh.. I'll just-" he pointed over his shoulder then disappeared back into the room. I paused for a second, rather dumbfounded since Chris left.. He usually makes me undress in front of him whether I like it or not. I slipped the gown off and tossed it on the ground. I shivered a bit and turned the water on, hopping in. I let the hot water run down my body, evert nerve calming and loosening. My mind drifted to Chris and how generally different he has been today and ever since I woke up. He's been so caring and considerate, downright sweet.. It was like he was the same guy who asked me out.. I snapped myself back into reality and went to reach for the soap when I realized I left it on the counter along with the shampoo. I groaned to myself and opened the curtain a little and tried to reach it. When I couldn't I pouted for a second then decided what I had to do. "Chris?" I said sort of loud but I doubt it was loud enough for him to hear. I said it once more, a little louder. In a few seconds he poked his head in the door way with one eyebrow raised while making a rather goofy face. I snickered and accidentally let the curtain fall a little farther exposing my chest and entire torso. Chris' face immediately changed as his eyes darted across the bruised and scar-littered skin. When I figured out what was happening, my smile fell as I grabbed the curtain and pulled it closed but left my head out so I could still talk. "C-Could you hand m-me the soap..? And shampoo..?" I asked. He nodded, pity and guilt rimming his beautiful brown eyes. He handed it to me with a half-hearted smile. I took it, closing the curtain back rather quickly. I sat the soap down, leaning my head back against the shower wall. I slowly sank to where I was sitting down with my knees to my chest. I glanced down at my body, feeling disgusted at the sight. I could only imagine what Chris thought. Or wanted to do... But the way he looked and acted wasn't at all what I would've expected him to do. He looked sad and almost about to cry.. I sat there for a few more minutes before standing up and finishing my shower. I shut the water off and then heard footsteps from outside making their way into the bathroom. I peeked around the curtain to see Chris holding to fluffy black towels. I smiled in thanks amd took them. He turned his back to me as I stepped out and wrapped my hair in one of them and tied the other around my chest since Chris was still here. "Decent?" He asked sounding rather kiddie like. "Mmhmm." He turned and smiled, "Can I get you anything?" I shook my head no and he turned and left to finish getting dressed. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and started to put on my pjs. As I unfolded the tshirt he brought, I realized it was my favorite him shirt along with my beanie. I grinned to myself, putting them both on, along with the grey sweatpants he brought. I walked back into the room, holding my side the pain coming back as the pain medicine wore off. Chris saw me and jumped off of his chair and walked over to me. "They were just here for your medicines baby.." he whispered picking me up carefully amd carrying me to the bed where he gently laid me down. As he went to walk away, I grabbed his hand, making him turn to look at me. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I'll go tell them you're out okay?" He lightly squeezed my hand before going out into the hall. I stared at the ceiling with a dorky grin on my face, reliving the past few moments. After a few minutes the nurses and doctor came in to give me the pain medication and also the anti-depressants I had to take. I mentally rolled my eyes but took them anyway. They all finished up and left the room again.

I looked over at Chris who was sitting in a chair that he had pulled up next to the bed. He smiled and brushed the hair out of my face, tucking it up under my hat. I felt the pain meds kick in as I started to feel drowsy again. I scooted to the far side of the bed and patted the free space, signaling for Chris to climb in with me. He smiled and kicked his shoes off, climbing in with me. I curled up next to him, laying my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. "Were the clothes I picked good?" He asked rather shy. I nodded with a smile. "Perfect." I kissed his chest, closing my eyes. This was perfect. He was being so perfect. He was definitely different, and I love it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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