Chapter 7- All I Need is a Little Love in My Life, for Me and My Broken Heart.

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Chapter 7- All I Need is a Little Love in My Life, for Me and My Broken Heart.

--Dallas' POV--

It was a week later, and I was finally going to be released from the hospital. I was completely healed 2 days ago, but the doctors wanted to preform some metal health tests on me to make sure I wasn't a danger. They asked me questions, observed me, and would've questioned family and friends, but there was no one besides Sean. Speaking of him, he has visited me everyday all day until visiter hours were over. We have slowly gotten closer, and he is the light of my life. I have smiled, laughed and just been happy more than I have since my parents died. All thanks to this silly, weird, green-haired YouTuber named Sean. I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by the Doctor comming in.

"Hello, Dallas. Ready to go home?" He smiles at me and asks.

"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed!" I smile brightly.

"Yes, of course. Just let me check your vitals and you'll be good to go."

I just nod my head. He does the normal things like taking my heart-rate and blood pressure, then he asks a question. The question that I dread.

"How do you feel?"

I try to play it off, saying "My cuts don't hurt anymore and I'm not dizzy or anything."

"You know what I mean, Dallas." He sighs.

"I'm fine." My famous line, followed by my famous fake smile.

"Okay. Well, I don't see anything wrong. You may leave." He smiles at me as I cheer.

After the Doctor closed the door, I get up and change into the clothes Sean brought me. I step into the bathroom, change, and pack all my belongings that I had with me. I walk out of the horrid room, wave to the workers that kept me company during my stay here, and walk out of the doors into freedom. As I start walking torwards the nearest bus station, I hear my name being called.


"Hm?" I turn and look to see Sean running up to me. I smile and stop to wait for him.

"I-I tried- to catch- you-. Man, I'm- out of- shape." Sean huffs, trying to catch his breath.

"Take you time." I giggle.

"Woo. As I was saying, I tried to catch you when you were released, but I didn't know when."

"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do that." I said, blushing.

"No, I wanted to. Now come on, my car is this way." Sean demands, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to his baby-blue Impala.

We get in the car and start driving. After a minute, I realise that we were going the wrong way to my house.

"Um, Sean, where are we going?" I ask.

"Oh! To my house! I decided you can stay with me for awhile." He replies, waving it off like nothing.

"What?! I want to go sleep in my own bed! I don't need a babysitter!" I exclaimed, slightly angry.

"I know, but I can't let you get hurt again. You can't be alone anymore. As much as you say your fine, being alone is bad for anyone." I glance over and see that Sean's hands were turning white from gripping the steering wheel so tight.

"I'm sorry. Thank you." And then there was silence. We sat in it for the rest of the ride. But it wasn't uncomfortable.

~TIIIIIIIMME SSSSKKIIIIIIPPP Brought to You by PruCan's love~

Before I knew it, we were here at Sean's. We walking into the medium-sized apartment. Upon entering, I imediently see his kitchen and living room, both of which were normally sized for a man living alone.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" Sean announces.

"It's really nice." I say smiling.

"Here, I'll give you a tour."

Sean shows me around his apartment, which consists of his bedroom, recording room, a bathroom and the living room and kitchen. When we're done, I look to Sean.

"Where will I be sleeping?" I ask.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

"What? No, this is your house so you sleep in your bed. I can sleep on the couch." I say, setting my bag down next to the couch.

"No! You're my guest, you should sleep comfortable!" He argues. Then we get in this ridiculous argument about who will sleep where. Suddenly, Sean's phone rings, interupting him.

"This isn't over." He play-glares, answering his phone.

"Yes it is~!" I sing mockingly.

--Sean's POV--

"Who was that?" Mark asks suggestively.

"No one, you perv." I roll my eyes. "Anyway, what do you want?"

"Me you and Felix are going to collab, remember?"

"Oh, yeah! What are we playing?"

"Prop hunt."

"Cool." I thought for a second. "Can somone join us?"

"Sure who?"

"A friend of mine."

"Yeah. Text us when your set up." And with that, Mark hung up. I walk back to Dallas, who is now sitting on my couch. She looks up at me.

"Oh, hey. Who was it?" She asks.

"Do you want to play prop hunt with me, Mark and Felix?" I ask and ignore her question.

"W-what? L-like Markiplier a-and Pewdiepie?" She stutters, shocked.

"Who else. We will be recording, so you don't need too if you don't want to..." I trail off.

"Of course I'll play with you! That is like a dream come true!" She exclaims, fangirling a bit.

"Great! Let's set up!"


Hello! I have a few things to say.

One, as of right now, this fanfic hAS 113 READS!!!! WHAT? THANK YOU! I didn't expect this to pass, like,  10 reads!

Two, I am super sorry this was late! I spent the whole weekend watching anime and completely forgot I had to update.

Three, I decided to do a thing that I hope will get some of you to comment. I decided that I will name the chapters after song lyrics that fit the chapter. They might be slightly modified, but not changed to bad. You can guess what song it is from in the comments. Lame, I know. I just thought I would try it out.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Give me feedback and have a nice day/night!

Vote, Comment, and Come Back Again!



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