Ch. 11- This Is My Oath to You

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Chapter 11- This Is My Oath to You

~~Dallas' POV~~

    Today I was going into work again. I haven't gone since my 'incident', so I hope I'm not fired. After doing my normal morning ritual, I grab my phone and coffee and head out. I walk the familiar route that I haven't for a while, and arrive at my -hopefully- current job. Walking in, I head torawds the back where Cas should be. I walk into the small office-like room and find my flamboyant gay boss.

"Hey Cas!" I greet like I haven't been missing work for the pass month.

"OMG Dallas! Are you okay?" Cas exclaims, rushing me into a hug.

"I'm fine. Sorry I missed work." I apologise and hug him back.

"No, no. As long as your feeling better. Your boyfriend told me what happened."

I pull away from the hug, blushing. "Sean isn't my boyfriend."

"He isn't? Oh honey, you got to tap that."

I blush darker. "What? No! Sean's just my friend."

"There's more going on with that then your telling me."

"Well, Ifinvilivim." I mumble.

"What? Speak up."

"I think I love him." I admit, looking down.

"Oh babe, tell me everything."

(<3_<3) Time Skip Brought to You by Gay (?_?)

   We talked until we had to open, and even then we were still talking. It felt amazing to talk to somone about Sean, even if that person squealed every other second. Cas is the closest I have to family, he's like my older brother. I told him everything, from the very begining. The happiness, the confusion, meeting Mark and Felix. Every little moment. And he listened the whole time, letting me get it all out. Now we were closing, and I was finishing up my story.

"You have went through alot. Who knew cab drivers could be so helpful?" Cas jokes.

I giggle a bit. "Yeah. But I still don't know what all this means. Are we friends, are we more?" I frown.

"You said yourself that you love him. And from the way you tells me he acts, he cares for you."

"But-" Cas cuts me off.

"Go with the flow. Follow the cabbies' advice. Just be happy."

"Thanks so much Cas. It felt nice to talk to someone about this." I say, huggin him.

"Of course. I'm always here."

     We hugged for awhile, then said goodbye and I went home. Unlocking my apartment, I open the door and kick off my shoes. I go strait to my couch, and open up YouTube. The prophunt video we filmed was up on Marks channel, so I decided to watch that. When it was done, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Mark didn't put my facecam on the screen, like we agreed. I scroll down to the comments, and see quite a few about me. Some said I was funny and they wanted more of me, others asked questions about who I was or why  'Jack' kept looking over to where I was sitting. I kept scrolling, reading all these good comments. But then, I hit the hate. They yelled insults, saying I was annoying and that I was a whore for living with Sean. I wanted to cry, some of them were very hurtful. But then I remember what Sean said to me after we finished recording.

~FlashBack(Brought to you by my need for longer chapters)~

"Oh my goodness, that was so much fun!" I exclaimed. I was on a high of happy after meeting and playing with my YouTuber idols.

"I'm glad your so happy." Sean said with a smile. But suddenly, I thought of somthing, which made my smile go down.

"Dallas? What's wrong?" Sean askes with concern, noticing my smile was gone.

"It's just... what are people going to say? When you guys post your videos, what will your fans think? What if they hate me?" All these possible, and terrible, senarios run through my head. I look down I I feel my eyes well up.

"Dallas. Dallas, look at me." Sean lifts my head up and make me look him in the eye. "It doesn't matter what people say. I love my fans, but they can be mean. There are millions of them, and one of you. Not everyone will like you, but it doesn't matter. Those people are probably thousands of miles away, in a different country. They will never be a big part of your life, so why give them the thought?"

I smile at him. "I guess your right."

"Of course I am. Now, let's go eat ice cream!"

      ~FlashBack Over~

   That memory made me feel better, and gave me the strength to close out of the video. Like Sean said, what they say doesn't matter because not everyone will like me. I move on to the next video, then the next. After a buch of videos, I glance at the time. 'OMG It's midnight already? I gotta sleep.' I thought. After changing into pj's, I lay down and fall asleep with a smile on my face.


Hola~! I am so so soooooooo sorry for the late update! I had somewhat of a mental breakdown, and I lost all drive to do anything. But I fixed myself and here I am!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!  Tell me how ya felt about it and have a wonderful time with your life!

Express Your Thoughts in Text Form, and Meet Me Here Next Week for More of This Trashy Story!



Hey! Psst, hey! Yeah you! Do you see that star at the bottom of the page? See how it's empty inside? Make the star feel better by tapping it and filling it up with meaning for life. Come on, you don't wanna be a bad person and leave the star dead inside! JUST DO IT! Ahem, sorry. Got a little carried away there. Bai~~

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