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*Louis's POV*

I walk into the bathroom and splash some cold water in my face. The interview we just had was terrible. I messed up, I completely messed up. Of course they asked about Larry. Is Larry Stylinson real? Are you and Harry together? Always the same questions. Always the same answer: No, Larry's not real. No, we're not together. No, we're not in love. Truth is, we are deeply in love. And everytime I have to lie about it, it's like my heart shatters in a thousand pieces. And today, I think I just couldn't take it anymore. When they asked about Larry, I couldn't say no again. I've said it too much. So I didn't say anything at all, pretending I didn't hear the question. I messed up. Management's gonna kill me for this. "Lou?" I hear his deep voice and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Still after all this time, and everything we've been through. I look up and look into his emerald green eyes. They are filled with concern. "Yes." "Are you alright?" I run towards Harry, wrapping my arms around his waist, holding him tight. I burst into tears: "I'm so sorry!" He kisses me on my head. "Shht. It's alright." "No, it's not." I sniff. "I messed up. And management is gonna punish you too, while it's my fault. I failed. And I hate myself for not being able to protect you. I'm so sorry." "Louis.. That's what you've been trying? To protect me from the hate and the hurt, sacraficing yourself?" I look up at him. "You can't protect me from all the bad things, Lou. And you don't have to." "At least I've tried." I look down at my feet. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up, forcing me to face him. "I love you, Louis. With all my heart. I'll never let you go, no matter what happens, no matter what management's up to. We're gonna fight for it. Together." I nod. He's right. We'll get through this, because we have each other. "I love you too, Haz." I kiss him softly. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Hey lads. We're leaving in a minute. Hurry." "God dammit, Niall!" He laughs. "Sorry. Did I interrupt your intimate moment together?" I shake my head and whisper: "Bastard." Harry starts laughing and takes my hand. "Let's go, before they're gonna leave without us."

*Harry's POV*

We're standing in the hall of the building. There are a lot of people outside screaming our names. Although this happens quite a lot, I'm still overwhelmed by it every time it happens. It's weird that there are so many people in the world who care about me, and who'd basically do anything to see me. Emily walks up to us. She's a part of our management, and she always tells us what we can and what we can't do. And she treats us like we're 5 years old. "Hi boys!" she says with a huge, fake smile. "There are a lot of girls outside right now, we don't have much time, since we have to go to the studio. So no photos and no signing today." She tries to look guilty, but I know she doesn't give a damn about the fans waiting outside. "Now let's see. Louis you're going first, then Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn. Off you go." "Eerm. But isn't there another exit? Because I don't quite like getting mobbed. It scares me." Niall asks. Niall's never been a fan of being in big crowds, and when he loses us when we get mobbed, he starts panicking. "Yes, there is. But the van's standing right in front of that exit. So you're gonna use that one." And we'll get publicity, I think.

*Louis's POV*

I open the door and get out. Immediately all the fans start screaming. I start trying to make my way through the crowd, which is definitely not easy. I know, we've got bodyguards. But that doesn't really stop the girls from trying to touch me. I just smile and wave at them, which causes them to scream even louder. I look around at all the fans. All of a sudden I see something. And that something really shocks me. Someone's holding a gun. I start to panick, and it's like I'm in trance. "Watch out!" I yell, warning the others, before it's too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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