My Perfect Summer (2)

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"Bee!" I opened my eyes and saw Ailish standing above me. "Wake up lazy!"

"Calm down, I getting up," I glanced at my clock. "Ailish! It's half six!"

"Mum says get up, she's down in the kitchen."

"Well tell her to come and get me herself," I groaned and rolled over, facing the wall.

"Mum! Bee won't get up," my sister suddenly yelled.

"Ailish!" I could hear Alex shout from down the hall. "It's too early."

"Bienne!" Mum shouted.

"Well, that's my morning spoilt," I heard Alex moan.

"Fine Ailish, I'll get up," she smiled triumphantly and dashed out of my room, leaving me to get dressed.

Pulling on a pair of jeans and a brown hoody, I snuck down the hall, hunter green wellies in hand, and out the door, towards the stable.

"Nothing better than an early morning gallop, is there darling?"

Slipping the brown leather bridle over her ears I swung the door open and jumped on her back, making my way to the nearest gate onto the moor.


The hills were a vibrant purple, the sun already high up in the sky as we cantered along the old dirt track, alone up on the windy moor with nothing but the wildlife to keep us company. The morning song of the birds filled my ears and the red deer scattered as we headed towards them. Rabbits hopped off the path out of our way, and the tails of pheasants caught your eye as they hid in the undergrowth. Everything about the moor was wild and free, leaving all traces of civilisation behind, apart from the lone sheiling, it's old stone walls sturdy against the strong winds, having survived many years.

Turning Blair towards it, we continued at a gallop towards it. Suddenly, a boy appeared from behind it, spooking Blair and scaring me.

"You do know you're trespassing, right?" I asked, still slightly afraid of the stranger.

"Nobody's had a problem with it for the past year, and you are too."

"I'm the owner, so I'm not trespassing."

"Yeah right," he snorted.

"Bienne Taylor, nice to meet you," I slid off Blair and stuck out my hand.

"Dylan," he said, taking it warily.

"You've been staying here for a year?"

"Um... Yeah, I have."

I took in his appearance, fairly long black hair, dirty clothes. It really did look like he'd lived in the sheiling for a year.

"It's only a wee hut though," I frowned.

"You're not going to throw me out, are you? I've got nowhere else to go."

"What do you think I am? Heartless? Of course I won't. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty next month," he still looked afraid, but not like he was ready to run. Not that he would've stood a chance, I have a horse.

"You're really young!"

He flinched at the tone of my voice. "Like I said, I have nowhere else to go."

"What have you been eating though?"

"Rabbits, deer, grouse," he trailed off.


"I know, sorry, just after the lady that used to live here-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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