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Lexi's P.O.V

I was running just running. I couldn't do anything else. Running from my past was the only thing I could think of doing right now. My parents were just using me as a dump box for all of their crap. My dad lived 2 hours away and was never there when I needed him the most. My mom on the other hand she was always really quiet, never their for me. When she did speak it was just complaining about work and nagging me to do my chores  (which were all of the stuff my mother was supposed to be doing). I just couldn't take it anymore. Finally I was to tired to go any farther. Then I saw a carmal brown portel thingy. I thought "Well if it kills me so what, but if it takes me far away from this place good!" Then I jump in and everything went black.


Thank you for reading the first chapter my nonexisting audience! If you are here from the future good for you! Now most of this book will be Lexi's P.O.V. Now thanks for reading!

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