Now It's Personal

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Chapter 05 - NOW IT’S PERSONAL

Sano punches the ground again, still bursting with anger.

KAORU: Sano, I know how you feel, but there is nothing we can do.

SANOSUKE: (standing up) We’ll see about that! I have to try. I can't just sit here and do nothing. You two stay and watch over this creep.

Sano runs off to try and find Kenshin and Sakura. [Hopefully Kenshin has already gotten to her… but I have a bad feeling about this…]


Kenshin and the henchman are still staring each other down at the bridge. Kenshin is glaring at him with those piercing violet eyes.

KENSHIN: Tell me, why are you doing this? Is it just for the money?

GOON 1: Of course not. The money is good, but to bring down the Meiji government I would give my life. You must understand, it’s nothing personal. (He takes a couple steps backward).

Kenshin almost takes a step…

GOON 1: Uh uh uh! (Shaking his head back and forth). You know my arm is getting awfully tired, (with an evil sneer) it would be a shame if I just let go.

Kenshin stops and puts his foot back down. [I can't just let him get away… What am I gonna-] Kenshin could hear someone coming up quickly behind him. It was Sanosuke.


KENSHIN: (to Sanosuke, without taking his eyes off the henchman) Save her.

As soon as those words were out Kenshin uses his god-like speed to attack the henchman. Sakura begins to fall.


Sano, without thinking; jumps off the edge of the ravine, catches Sakura, and shields her body as they both plunge into the water. When Sano drags her out of the river she’s still unconscious and he knows he has to get help quickly. Once again he runs to Dr. Gensai's office with Sakura in dire need of medical attention.


At Dr. Gensai's House, Sakura has been placed in a treatment room. Sano paces in the hall waiting for the verdict on Sakura’s condition. Dr. Gensai finally emerges from the rooom and speaks to Sano in the hall.

DR. GENSAI: Don't worry Sano, the poison she was given was only meant to make her unconscious, not to kill her. It will be out of her system in a few hours and she’ll be fine. I'll watch over her until then. I have also checked on her stab wound which appears to be healing nicely and her ankel, which I’m sorry to say has been aggravated by tonight’s activity. Though it’s not as bad as I would of expected. Overall she’ll be just fine.


After Kenshin finished with the last henchman he headed back to where the others were waiting.

YAHIKO: Kenshin! (Noticing that he was alone). Uh, where are Sano and Sakura?

KENSHIN: I suspect they will be waiting for us at Dr. Gensai's, that I do.

KAORU: Kenshin, we found out where Akiyama's hideout is… (apprehensively) but we have to go to Yokohama to get there.

KENSHIN: Let's go to Dr. Gensai's first and we'll decide what to do from there.


At Dr. Gensai's everyone tells Sano what they had found out. The group decides to leave in the morning for Yokohama. Sano says that he will stay and watch over Sakura tonight. They decide to swing by in the morning to pick up Sano as Sakura before starting their journey. Everyone goes home leaving Sano to his thoughts. As much as Sano actually wants to stay and take care of Sakura, he feels that he has to go to Yokohama alone. This fight is now personal and he intends to end it by himself. Although he does not want to lose control like he did while fighting Koyama, Sano can’t help wanting to make sure that these creeps won’t be able to harm Sakura, or any of his friends ever again. Sano is waiting, biding his time. As soon as he is sure that Dr. Gensai and Megumi are asleep, Sano leaves a note by Sakura's pillow and quietly slips out of the house.

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