{Chapter 4}

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Levi POV

  S-She didn't run away out of fear... Maybe, she is the one that could at least give me a little glint of hope of a good future. Or maybe she's lying....

"Listen brat, I'm not looking for an apology, sympathy, or an explanation!" I yelled at her as I stood up and she sat down. Her (e/c) were filled with a library full of emotions... Fear, sadness, anger..... I was so mad that I just kept yelling. "What I am looking for is you to leave me alone! I know that I've had it a whole lot worst than you have!" I just couldn't stop... Though I knew that I would regret it my whole life. She was my only ray of hope for a non-lonely future.

Your POV

  Is he nuts?!? He thinks that he can just scream at me like this.... Well, he has another thing coming...

"Just leave me alone and stay out of my life!"


The next thing I knew my hand and Levi's face was beaming red. I had scooped down to his level... I felt so ashamed. I was so angry! I knew that if I just backed off, he would take as a wimp and no would let me live it down.

"Maybe I will! You know? I thought that I could try to be friends with you!!! Hell, I thought that you could turn my world around and at least give me some hope that I wouldn't be forever a loner! But, I was WRONG!!! Have fun living a miserable life!"and with that I ran out of the lunch room. The last thing I heard was other girls talking about him. 

So now that are positive that he doesn't like her, I can make my move!

"(F/N)!" Levi yelled after me. 

  Tears threatened to fall before I ever made it to the bathroom. I ran as fast as I could and finally made it. Once I got in, I leaned up against the wall and cried. I covered my mouth so no one would hear me. Since there were no classes going on, it was unlikely for anyone to come in. 

  After I pretty much had my fill of crying, I left the bathroom. Even though my cheeks were stained with tears, I didn't care. No one noticed me anyway, why would they care? With my hood up and my head down, I headed to my locker. I almost reached it when a powerful force hit my body to the wall. I looked up to see Veronica. Her green eyes on fire and her black hair was a mess. 

"Even though you are pretty, I think that it would be in your best interest to keep your hands off Levi!" she snapped at me. She had my collar in her grasp and didn't let me away from the wall. I tried to push her off but ended up making her kick me in the stomach. All the wind was knocked from me. I was gasping for air. I shut my eyes, waiting for her to hit me again when I looked up and saw Levi.... Holding back her fist. He spun her around and knocked her off of her feet.

 "I suggest you get out of here before I do worse... much worse." Levi spat at her. She looked up at him in horror and ran away. He walked over to me, putting out a hand to help me. I wanted to reject it but I couldn't get up on my own. I took his hand and pulled myself up. 

"Thanks..." I said, trying not to look into his eyes. 

"I wouldn't get used to me saving your ass. It makes you weak." he told you, trying to meet your gaze. 

"Levi, I'm sorry for my outb-"

"No, it is me that should apologise. You were only trying to make things right, I screwed it up by making it personal. Sorry I have to cut our little chat short but I'll be late for class. See you later (F/N)."

"Yeah, see ya."

I hope I didn't screw thing up too much....


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Another chapter will probably be posted  on Thursday or Friday! Bye!


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