Ray Banned

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The long wind swept beach came into view as The Tempest rounded the cape.  Richard Ray was used to this view, yet he never took it for granted.  He loved the beautiful sight.  The lighthouse was  at the entrance to his beloved harbor, he always smiled when he steamed past the erect bold beauty.  Richard remembered his childhood days everytime he passed through the small inlet into the wide harbour.  He could hear himself and his brother fighting over that fish, and could see his mother struggling to handle the washing furiously flapping in her face as she battled to retrieve it off the line.  Richard always stored these memories in his heart.

The Tempest steamed into port and headed straight for the fish factory.  His crayfish catch was reasonable considering he only set his five pots.  Although he was a loner at sea he knew he had to hire another deckhand, his mother continually nagged at him about it.  It was decided next trip out he would not go alone.  He asked around and hired a deckhand, an inexperienced deckhand but he accepted a cheap percentage of the catch so Richard employed him regardless. 

One night at sea Alfie was setting the pots.  Somehow he managed to get his hand caught up in the line as he tossed the fifth pot.  The line had wrapped around Alfie's wrist and cut it clean through.  His hand flew into the pot and and sank to the sandy seabed below.

Richard steamed straight back to harbor and Alfie was treated for shock over the loss of his hand not to mention the loss of blood.  It was a nasty accident and Richard was horrified and blamed himself for hiring an inexperienced seaman.

Richard loved the sea life, his whole life had been spent on and around water.  He was a sensible man, he never over fished any of his favourite areas.  Oh, yes, Richard knew exactly where to find the best crayfish.  As a young child he had been taught by his father how to catch a cray without using any pot.  His father had taught Richard the 'old ways'. 

As the years passed and technology improved it became much easier to catch more fish than diving or using his old man's methods.  Richard's father was so proud of his son.  He watched him grow into a fine, respectable man.  He passed on happily, knowing his son was a very capable and talented fisherman. 

Maree was also a sea going person.  She loved the water just as much as Richard.  Her time at sea took her on many journeys.  Yachting around for a few years until finally settling in the small seaside town of Strathfield.  It was here she met Richard.

Maree had heard about the accident on The Tempest.  Unperturbed, she approached the boat and stood on the wharf looking down at Richard fiddling with some ropes. 

"Hi there Mr. Ray."

Richard looked up, startled to hear a female voice.

"Hello", he said, shielding his eyes with his hand, trying to get a better view of the person addressing him.

"My name is Maree Doherty and I heard you may need an experienced deckhand.  Is the job still open?', asked Maree hopefully.

"Oh, um, I don't know."  Richard was quite speechless.

"It's all good.  Don't panic yourself.  I need some work and I am experienced.  I don't need much in life but I do need the sea below me and a fair wind in my hair."  Maree studied Richard for a moment.

"I certainly hope you are not the suspicious kind.  You see women actually belong to the sea more than men.  Did you know that?"

"Um, yeah I did know that actually.  Look I can't pay much, I only carry five pots."

"Yeah but The Tempest can carry more pots than that, surely?"

"It is enough for my needs but I do have a license for twenty pots.  I just don't need that much."

Ray BannedWhere stories live. Discover now