Chapter Two

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A large, grey owl, with magnificent green eyes, and a sharp beak, swooped in. In it's alarmingly sharp beak, it held a letter, written in green ink, with a red wax seal. My Hogwarts letter! 

"Rookwood! It's my letter! Can I open it?! Can I go?! PLEASE?!" I begged, impatiently. I had grown up with various Death Eaters, such as Rookwood, Malfoy, Wormtail, and Dolohov. They had raised me and beaten me, saying that my father was the most powerful wizard of all time. Lord Voldemort. Strangely, though, whenever I asked why he wasn't taking care of me, they said he was not able, at least that's what I heard before I blacked out from the Cruciatus Curse.

 The man called Rookwood grunted, "What do you think, Lucius?" Yay. Malfoy was visiting. I hate him. 

"Well," he sniffed, superiorly, making me want to punch him, "I suppose she can go-"

 "YES! Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed, ecstatic. 

"I wasn't finished, Miss Riddle. You can go, only because my son, Draco, who is three years elder, will look after you. And, if you are not in Slytherin, you will most likely after a very slow, and painful death." He finished, regally.

 I sneered at him, "There's another one of you toxic pigs? Goodness, your poor wife!" I instantly regretted saying that, he was going to kill me. I was right.

 He whipped out his wand, "Sectumsepra!" He exclaimed, watching as I fell to the ground, my thin sides pouring scarlet blood all over the carpet. 

"Now, do you want to go or not?" He said, smugly. I gave him a death glare, my piercing green eyes full of hate. But I just snatched my letter from Rookwood, and stomped up the spiral staircase, fuming. I plopped down on my bed, and read my letter. 

Well, I kinda guessed what it said, since I have dyslexia. I was cutting again, too. It's a habit. I slice open the scar on my wrist with a pocketknife all the time. blah blah, wait, what? 'We await your owl no later than the thirty first of July.' That's what it said. In black and white. (Or green, I mean, whatever.) Today was the twenty ninth. Oh crap. How long do owls take? I don't know, and I don't care. 

"MALFOY!" I screamed, I just knew this was his fault. "YOU ARE GOING TO GET THIS LETTER TO DUMBLEDORE BY THE THIRTY FIRST! AND ROOKWOOD, YOU WILL TAKE ME TO DIAGON ALLEY. RIGHT NOW!" I shrieked on the top of my lungs. Oh. My. Gosh. What has gotten into me?! He was honestly going to kill me. Why, oh why, had I not kept my mouth shut?! I nervously cut open my wrist with harder strokes, making the boo-boo deeper. (And yes, I had to say boo-boo)

Malfoy came in and instantly smirked. "I don't appreciate your sass, Rose Lily Riddle." He uses my full name because he knows I'm touchy about that. But I stayed silent, I mean, what could I really do? He picked me up, "It's a good thing you're very light weight. It'll make this easier for us." 

I struggled and kicked and screamed, until he said Petrificus Totalus. I immediately froze. He said he wouldn't use Stupify because he wanted me to feel the pain. He walked outside, and yelled, "Rookwood, Dolohov! Wanna have a contest? It'll have four parts: who can throw farther, who can get the loudest scream, who can get the worst injury, and who can make her pass out." 

They agreed, vigorously. I'm not going to describe it all, let's just say that Rookwood got the farthest throw, Dolohov won loudest scream, and Malfoy (surprise surprise) gave me the worst injury, and made me hit my head so hard I passed out. 

When I came to, I was in my room, and no one seemed to be home. I decided to go to Diagon Alley now. I gathered up my list of supplies and attempted to clean myself up. It didn't work though. In had a twisted ankle, a bloody nose, a black eye, a cut on the back of my head, and my wrist. It was the worst out of them all. It was split open on my scar, broken in two places, and purple and swollen. I wrapped it with gauze to cover it up, nothing would help ease the pain. So I took a deep breath and Flooed to Diagon Alley.

"Here's the list of things I need." I told a house elf once, we were there. "Get my books, cauldron, telescope, and protective gloves, please." I tossed him a bag of wizard's coins. "I'll get the rest," I concluded, turning on my heel, only to turn back because Madam Malkins was right there. I tried to look as grown up as I could doing that. 

When I walked in to the small, organized, robe shop, I saw a plump, kind, but firm looking woman. "Hogwarts?" She asked, knowingly, and, without even waiting for an answer, she hurried me into a pair of black robes with Hogwarts crest, and fitted me.

 "Dear, you need to eat more! You are positively tiny! Not just in height, too!" She fussed over me, like a mother hen. "Alright, here you go, dear. That'll be ten galleons, please." She said, holding out her open palm.

 I was relieved she hadn't commented on my bruises and cuts, so I  dug out my bag of money from my jeans pocket, and extracted ten galleons. She took them and handed me my robes.

 Okay... next stop, Ollivanders. I walked into his shop, and a silver bell went off, alerting him of his new customer. It was eerily quiet in here, I was starting to wonder if I had misread the sign, and they were closed, when, suddenly a man with scraggly white hair tapped me.

 I screamed, "Who the heck are you, and why are you trying to give me a freaking heart attack?!" 

"So sorry, dear. You're here for a wand, no? Right, well, just a minute." He says. Again, no one waits for an answer! Rude. He walked around his cluttered shop, mumbling to himself and picking up long, thin boxes, until he had about five. 

"Try this one. Holly and Unicorn hair, ten inches, firm." He handed me the wand, and I waved it in a swirly motion, making sure to use my non injured side. That sent a pile of boxes flying in every direction. I hastily put it back on the counter as Ollivander handed me another,

"Vine and Pheonix feather, eleven inches, flexible." He handed me another, craftily engraved, wand. I took it in my shaking hands, and waved it. This time, gold sparks came out of it. It felt right. I looked at Ollivander, and saw him smiling, "That's the one, Miss Pott- Miss Riddle. Um, seventeen galleons, please." He hastily said, hurrying me out of his shop. 

"That's odd," I thought, "What was he about to call me?"But shrugging the strange feeling off, and walked off to the Magical Menagerie to buy a pet. As soon as I walked in, I was hit in the face by an awful smell. Poop, maybe? I had always loved cats, but I would need an owl to send letters. I couldn't decide, so I got an owl and a cat. The cat was a girl, with honey coloured fur, blue eyes, and white socks. I named her Belle, and I got her a collar with a little silver bell on it. My owl, was also a girl. She was light gray, with flecks of black in her feathers, and big, brown eyes. I know the list said one pet but... my father's the most powerful person in the world. Ha ha deal with it. After I had paid for my pets, and their food, and cages, I met up with the sweet house elf, and we Flooed back home. I was glad nobody questioned my wounds.

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