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When we are young, we are told that when a loved one dies they just go to "a better place". I suppose it's to comfort us, to help us move on. What they neglect to tell us, is that it's all a lie. Once you grow up you learn that when you die instead of a better place, you go in the ground. You are laid in the earth and in the earth you stay. To be broken down to nourish the soil that feeds our planet and our people. It's the circle of things, dead things replenish the earth for the living. Your dead friends and family aren't watching over you from some paradise in the sky. Quite the opposite in fact. We watch over them, leave flowers on their headstone. WE guard them from above and I'm guessing that as opposed to a box six feet under, the living world seems like a paradise. Even growing older and growing wiser doesn't prepare you for actual death. Nothing in this world can prepare you for staring down at the cold pale face of one of your best friends lying in a coffin. That may have hurt, but to look down at your own brother, frozen in eternal sleep. Nothing in the whole universe could have prepared me for that... 

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