liastilinski24 that's Gloria's page if ya'll want to follow her too. She will be uploading some stories too :) show her some love <3
Chapter 2
"Chloe if you don't get up now we'll be late for school!" Corey yelled. Nice to know that after two years he's still the same. I checked the alarm and oh would you look at that it's 5am. He woke me up 40 mins earlier than usual. I groaned and slapped the pillow over my head. I heard laughing and then my pillow was thrown off my head.
"You know you can't go back to sleep Cee! You might as well get up." Ughh it's Luke
"I hate it when you're right." I got up out of bed and stretched my arms out. I heard Luke laugh and I immediately gave him a weird stare. "What?"
He pointed to the shirt I was wearing. "Really Team Damon?" he asked as he began to laugh again.
I looked down at my shirt and there was a face of the hottest guy I have ever seen, otherwise known as Ian Somerhalder. "Yes really! Damon Salvator is so hot!" I defensively said.
"But he's a vampire." Luke replied
"And I care because?" I asked.
"Because we're werewolves." He replied to which I just rolled my eyes to.
"Well if he's a vampire then I'm a vampire too, because he is too damn hot for his own good." I said defensively. "So don't be jealous Luke Skidmore." I said as I ran to the bathroom and locked the door because he hates his last name.
"Chloe Salvatore Maka, how many times do I have to tell you my last name is Maka now!" he yelled as he banged on my bathroom door.
"MAKA? Since when did you get married to Corey?" I fake gasped. I smiled when I heard him inhale heavily.
"What! No. Chloe you make my blood boil!" he sighed.
"Love you too Luke but I'm going to go shower so feel free to clean my room up while you wait."
"Maybe I should join-"
"Nah maybe you should clean my room." I yelled back.
"As I said you make my blood boil Cee, but I still love ya." He sighed but you could hear him laugh.
I finished having my shower and walked back into my room and surprisingly it was spotless. Luke sure did a great job. My bed was all neat and tidy and all my clothes were back in the drawers where they belong. I grabbed a hot pink silky racerback tank top and dark denim skinny jeans and a cute long sleeved black cardigan. I grabbed my flat boots and tucked my jeans inside them. I left my long dark brown hair down and applied a little mascara and eyeliner to my green eyes and just a little lip gloss so my lips don't become dry. I looked at the time and it was 7:00. Looks like I'm getting faster everyday.
I walked down to the kitchen where both my parents, Luke, Corey and Daniel were. I went and pushed Corey off his seat and sat down and began to eat his toast.
"Momma!" he yelled and Luke and Daniel both laughed at his immaturity.
"Really Corey, 15 years old and you still ask mum to defend you." I said as he glared at me.
"Chloe Sa-"
"yeah yeah mum 'CHLOE SALVATORE MAKA! Adesso basta chiedere scusa a tuo fratello e mangiare la vostra colazione. (That's enough now apologise to your brother and eat your breakfast) I get it mum you tell me every morning."
"Shh and eat your breakfast." My mother sighed but you could see the small smile on her face.
We all ate breakfast in a comfortable silence and soon it was time for us to walk to school.
"Chloe I need you to drop Daniel off at school because your father has a surprise for me." My mother said as she turned and looked directly at my father with a smile on her face and my dad returned it with his own and a wink.
"That's enough info mum, you could've just said take your brother to school you know." My mother didn't even hear me but kept staring at my dad. Corey signalled for us to go before they scar us for life . All four of us ran out of the house and continued our walk to school. Corey said he had practice and promised he would pick Daniel up after school so he left leaving me and Luke to take Daniel to his school 'Crescent fall public school' (it's a werewolf primary school).
As soon as we got to his school a group of girls came and stood in front of Daniel.
"Daniel, why is your sister still here I thought she was part of the bad pack?" isn't that just great to know that after two years people still think I was the reason for the attack on Elena.
"My sister is part of this pack stupid." My brother replied glaring at the girls.
"That's not what my older sister says, my big sister says she's a traitor and can't be trusted and she also said that she is an ugly, waste of space wolf that nobody loves and she steals everyone's mate." One scrawny little girl said.
At that point I regretted wearing makeup because tears began to run down my face. How is it that every year the rumours get worse? How am I suppose to 'steal' someone's mate when my own mate doesn't even love me.
"Well no one cares about your big sister, my sister is the prettiest girl in the whole world and me and my big brother love her." Daniel snapped at the girl as I wondered who her older sister was.
I had to put my arm on Daniel to calm him down not just because he has already had his first shift but because no matter how annoying a girl can be I have taught Daniel that violence against women is a bad thing. It's obvious someone hasn't taught Xavier that.
"Everyone loves my big sister better than yours. My sister is Maya and her boyfriend is the alpha's son." Oh so the blonde chick that always sits on Xavier's lap has a name.
"So, my bigger sister and brother and I are the beta's kids, you're just an unknown person in the pack. My bigger sister is more important than yours and she way prettier than you." He said as he pointed directly in her face. The group of girls just stormed off. My younger brother just turned towards me and hugged me. "Don't listen to them, you're very pretty and I love you and I know Puaka love you too. And Luke loves you too and so does mummy and daddy." He told me. I hugged him back and kissed his forehead and said bye.
Luke and I continued to walk to school in silence. I was thinking about what the girls said, is it true? Does no one love me anymore? I kept walking and thinking that I didn't even realise we reached the front of the school and that tears were rolling down my face until Luke stopped me and embraced me into a hug. "Cee, don't worry about what they said, I don't believe one word they said and neither should you." I just nodded and tried to stop myself from crying. "I love you Chloe and I will always be here for you." Luke said as he pulled out of the hug and looked me in the eyes.
"Thanks Luke, you're the best and I love you too." He just smiled and kissed my forehead.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" A person yelled followed by a vicious growl.
i know this story needs a lot of editing but between college and work i just don't have the time but i promise to edit and proof read all the new chapters before i post them because we started this story like 2 years ago so it might such but please read our story and let us know what you think in the comments below. I'll go back and edit everything when i can but until then please give this story a go!
thanks you
Lots of Love x Sarah & Gloria

You Will Regret Rejecting Me
WerewolfHi, my name is Chloe Maka. I'm the daughter of Paea and Katherine Maka, Beta of the Moonstone Pack. I have a twin brother named Corey and a younger brother named Daniel. My twin is the future beta of the pack. His best friend Xavier is the soon to b...