Part 3

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Stacy's P.O.V.

'I woke up hugging him'  You start to talk in your mind. 'But we were watching a movie downstairs? maybe he carried me up here.'  You looked at Harry with an amusing look. You notice he's waking up. You still watched him.

"Good morning babe."

"Good morning too babe." Harry said with a morning  voice which means with he's very raspy voice. I loved the way he talks. It amuzes me all the time.

" Wanna have breakfast?" You asked.

"Uhm..can we just cuddle all day instead?"

"Harry, we already had a lazy day yesterday. Let's do something outside. Maybe with friends or just us."

"That sounds great. Starting of to having breakfast outside so go get ready."

"Okay." You answered. 

You guys went to a breakfast branch and you ordered just the normal breakfast, eggs and bacon.

"What do you wanna order babe?"

"Just the usual, eggs and bacon."

"Only that?"

"Yeah. I'm not that hungry."

"Whatever you say babe." Harry answered and ordered. Harry sees you eating without energy.

"You know, you should eat more like you used to." You look at your phone, paying no attention to what harry said. Scrolling through your interactions, you read a lot of Hate Tweets and Death Threats towards you by being in a relationship with The Harry Styles. Your looking through these shit to encourage you to lose weight.


"I said, you should eat more like you used to."

"Why should I?"

"Because I really like it when you're all chubby."


"I don't like the the thinner version of Stacy, I want the Stacy that I first met."


"Because I didn't dated you to change you, I dated you because I fell in love for who you are."


"Yes, so now stop changing yourself, okay?" He grabbed your hand and he notice scars on your wrist.

"Stacy, what's this?"

"Oh. nothing." you tried to hide it.

" Have you been self harming yourself?" He said in a serious tone.


"Why Stacy? You know I don't like seeing you get hurt."

"It's nothing. Really."

"Is it about my fans babe?"

"How do you know?"

"'cause I saw the way you were looking to your phone. I know you're reading hate tweets." You just frowned.

"You know those aren't true, right?"

"What if they're right Harry?"

"They aren't true Stacy. Please believe me."

"I wish I don't care about what they think about me Harry, I really do but it's all too much."

"I know what you feel babe. I've been there."

"Yeah but a lot of people admire you."

"A lot of people admires you too. You just can't see it but there's a lot babe, including me." You smiled at Harry.

"Now come on, finish your food and let's hang-out with the boys and your best friends."


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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