Chapter 15

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Like promised, I called Michelle the next morning and told her all about the call from Jeremy.

Michelle aw'd and said cute every few seconds, incessantly suggesting that I should ask him out. I kept having to tell her no, repeatedly, telling her it would never happen. Michelle, of course, wouldn't take that for an answer.

Now, every single morning, noon, after noon, and night I receive taunting texts from her. For example: "I'm so lonely, I have nobody. To call my own... Wait! Yes you do! JEREMY FREAKING DONNER!!", or "Lucy and Jeremy, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G".

I'm starting to regret telling her.

Even though I told her dozens of times that I don't like him that way. Sure he's sweet and we dated once, but I forgot that. I don't even know him, how can I like someone I don't know?

It's now Sunday morning, and since I'm not babysitting, I'm asking Michelle dozens of times why she was so nervous and secretive last night. She's assures me it was nothing, her mind was just occupied at the time. On what, exactly? She won't tell me. Aren't best friends supposed to tell each other everything?

Saturday night around 7:30 Eric texted me a long message about how sorry he was. Apologizing for being a jerk, promising me he will never do it again, and how he wants to make it up to me. Unfortunately for him, I received his text at the worst possible time.

Peter, being the stupid butt he was, decided that it would be funny to use my Science essay as his art paper, coloring with pastel all over it. Did I mention I hand-wrote it. I wasted a good, 8 hours re-writing it.

Peters apology was a half eaten box of chocolate covered graham cookies from the dollar store.

I'll probably text Eric back later, maybe, depends how long it takes me to forgive him. Which will be not to long seeing as how I don't hold grudges...

"Lucy! Make me a Hamburger Helper!" Peter yelled from upstairs

"No!" I shouted back, rolling my eyes at his laziness. I've always hoped the laziness would go away with age, but no.

"Lucy, let's watch a movie." My dad said, sitting at the computer and setting up Netflix.

I finished the page of my book and closed it, setting it on the coffee table. I moved to sit on the cushioned rocking chair, swinging my legs over the arm as my mom and dad got comfortable on the love seat.

My dad ended up settling for some weird documentary about Abraham Lincoln. They both enjoyed it while I sat, bored out of my mind.

About half way threw the phone started to ring. "I'll get it! I want to get it! No one else get it!" I hollered as I jumped from the chair and sprinted to the phone.

"H-" I breathed in some air, a bit out from the sudden hysteria's and sprint to answer the phone. "Hello?" I managed.

"Hi, it's Jeremy."

I couldn't hold back a huge grin, "Hey! T-this is L-Luc-y!" I again out of breath.

"Why do you keep stopping?" He asked, puzzled.

"Because I ran to answer the phone." I replied truthfully.

"Ah, miss me." He spoke, sounding cocky for once.

"No, I was being forced to watch a boring documentary and the phone sounded better than it so..." I, again, answered truthfully.

"Oh." He spoke, obviously disappointed.

"If it makes you feel better I'm actually happy it's you. You're WAY more interesting than that documentary." I chuckled. I heard him chuckle back.

"That's good, happy to make you happy." I started to grin like a idiot again.

"Thanks!" Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's my lame reply. Jeremy just laughed.

Eventually, we started to make small talk. Chatting about our favorite movies, actually having quite a few in common. "Anyway, I was wondering, what are you doing this Thursday?" Jeremy suddenly asked.

"Umm, nothing I don't think. Wait Thursday? Isn't that a school night?" I replied, confused.

"No school Friday remember." He reminded me.

Idiot Lucy!

"Right... Then nothing. Why?" I questioned, honestly curious.

"Well, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go see a movie at that old theater on 41st and Pecipel Street?" He asked unsure. 

Oh my god! Did he just ask me on a date? Jeremy Donner asking me on a date? Did I want to go on a date with him? Did he mean as friends?

Probably a date you idiot! 

Shut up!

"Like a date?" I asked, instantly regretting it.

"Yeah, or as friends if you want." His voice sounded so sad. Good job Lucy, you made him sad. Make him happy again!

"No, it's fine. It can be a date!"

What's the worst that could happen anyway?

"Really?" He quickly answered, voice hopeful and happy again. Happy Jeremey!

"So you're going on a date?" A voice asked. I turned and looked over my shoulder. Peter stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked pissed. I put hand on my forehead and sighed.

"Jeremy, I have to go." 

"Okay, well. I'll talk to you later then. Excited for our date." He exclaimed, I could hear the happiness and excitement in his voice.

I faked a laugh, "Yeah, me too. Bye." I quickly hung up the phone and turned to look at Peter. "What?" I hissed, "Is it really that big of a deal that have a date? What are you going to do about it?" Wrong thing to say Lucy...

Peter smirked and walked towards the living room. I ran after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. He shrugged it off and pushed me back.

"Guess what, Lucy has a date." He said proudly, chest puffed out and arms crossed. His smirk still there as he stared into my eyes.

"I hate you Peter!" I hollered, quickly running to my room before my dad could go all hysterical.

What do you thinks going to happen on their date? Bad or good?

What do you think Michelle is hiding from Lucy?

Question: Favorite character and why?

I'm curious! ;)

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