Chapter 5

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It was now friday. The whole rest of class, I was sitting off the edge of the chair, I was so excited. I mean it was a date with Jeremy Donner, everything he does is just a game to get in your pants. Shouldn't I be anything but excited? Although ever since we started hanging and talking we have become really good friends.

I had told Michelle about Jeremy and Kyle and she was cool about it, she apparently had a tiny crush on Kyle. Which was cute, Kyle was on of Jeremy's nice friends who wasn't a jerk. Not that Jeremy was, because truly he wasn't.

We were now walking to her car in the school parking lot. We passed Jeremy and he winked at me, making me blush. Michelle smiled at me, before pinching me with a look that said, "I saw that." I just avoided her stare.

On the way we listened to the radio and sang along to Bruno Mars's 'Just the Way You Are'. Amazing song, perfect love song.

Me and Mitch had this thing were we have to get a guy to sing this song to us, that would be amazing. We fantasize a LOT! I now saw the mall/movie theater in the distance, we were going to see Tangled because Jeremy said I could choose, big mistake! The weird thing was that he didn't protest.

"OMG! I AM SO EXCITED!" Michelle screamed as she parked. I just rolled my eyes at her, but really I could hardly contain my excitement either, I just chose to not show it. We both got out, we had an hour before we meet the guys. The first store we went to was HotTopic, we liked some of there things, they were killer. I ended up buying a few earrings and a 'Happy Tree Friends' shirt, I love 'Happy Tree Friends'! Michelle bought some bracelets and earrings.

We then went to Macy's. Michelle bought a few outfits then some jewlery, I didn't buy anything because I only had money left for the movie. Michelle was checking out and I was looking at some jewelry when I found it.

"It" was a necklace. It was beautiful, made of dazzling, sparkling, sterling silver. It was in the shape of a heart with one diamond in the middle. It was beautiful, I wanted it, but then saw how much it was. $400 DOLLARS!! JESUS CHRIST! I WAS NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO PAY FOR THAT!

"Whatcha looking at?" Asked a voice from behind. I jumped, Jeremy just smirked. "Excited to see me?"

I just turned back to the necklace. "No, I was just startled. And nothing, I was looking at a necklace I will never be able to afford." I said back. I sighed before turned to look at him, putting my hands into my back pockets. "Where are Michelle and Kyle? Did you not bring him?" I asked, looking for Michelle. 

"No, he's talking with Michelle. So I have you all to myself." He said leaning down smirking. I just pushed his chest and smiled.

"You wish." I replied, Jeremy frowned disappointed. "Why are you so early? I thought we were meeting at the movie theater." I said, walking around browsing, Jeremy walking beside me.

"Well we walked in and saw Michelle checking out, so we thought we would come in and just walk together to the movies." He said, watching me as I looked though a rack of jeans. "Ooh. You should buy these and wear them to school Monday." He said, holding up a tight, mini, mini skirt. "Without leggings."

I just rolled my eyes and moved to the next isle. What a guy! He put it back and hurried to catch up, I was now looking at shirts. I laughed when I read then one that had a picture of a ninja kitty. "Aww, look at this." I said, showing Jeremy the shirt. He smiled and told me I should buy it, I then explained that I only have money for the movie.

"Well, I'll pay for it." He said, seriously. I just stared at him, mouth open. Was he serious? He would actually buy this shirt for me? Wow, how sweet! "What I say?" He asked, looking at me weirdly, probably from my hanging open mouth. I shook my head, let my thoughts run free.

"No, its just why would you buy something for me?" I asked, dumbfounded. He smiled.

"Well, I guess I like you." He smiled, I just stared more. Did Jeremy Donner just said he liked me, oh my god. That's a first, holy crap, Jeremy Donner likes me, he's buying me clothes! AHH!

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