Chapter2:Getting to know them

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After last night Y/n had the biggest hang over so Y/n ended up sleeping till it was 2:30pm. When Y/n had gotten up Y/n had saw that Coco was up and she was talking on her phone with her new boy friend. Y/n went in the kitchen to go look at my phone to see if Y/n had any misses calls.Y/n had 5 missed calls and they where all from your mom so you called her back but she didn't answer the phone.Y/n had ended up calling her about 20 times until she had answered the phone.
Y/n- I'm so sorry mommy I forgot to call you and tell you that I was staying the night with Coco
Y/n mom- it's ok I figured that you was with her anyway y'all always together.How long ate you going to be there?
Y/n-I don't know, what time did you want me to come home?
Y/n mom- I don't care as long as you call or text me to check in like every 2 or 3 hours
Y/n- ok I will love you
Y/n mom-Love you to bye
Y/n- bye
After Y/n got off the phone with your mom Y/n also saw that an unknown number had called Y/n but Y/n didn't really pay attention to it. Coco finally got off the phone,and Y/n and Coco went out to get some breakfast at Golden Coral.
(At Golden Coral)
Coco-I'm so hungry in about to smash this food.
Y/n- Yasssss I'm so hungry to in about to get a lot of food
Coco-You better
Y/n looks over and sees the same boys from last night
Y/n- Omg!! Those are the boys from last.
Coco looks over and sees them
Coco- Omg yes I see them and I see my bae (smiling)
Y/n-(rolls eyes)
Coco-I saw that
Coco-I'm going over there
Y/n-No don't
Coco-Why your boyfriend is over there
Y/n-I know but I don't wanna go over the
Coco-Why you scared?
Y/n-No I'm not,but he's over there with all of his friends
Y/n-I'll go over there if I wanted to!!!
Coco-Then do it
Y/n walks over there but as soon as Y/n got over there they all go up to get some food and Jacob(Y/n boyfriend) ends up running into you and Donta ends up running into Coco her bae
Jacob-Sorry are you ok
Y/n-Yea I'm fine it was just a little bump it's fine
Jacob-ok I just had to make sure(he says grabbing your hand)
Jacob-You and your friend uh......
Jacob-Yea y'all should come and eat with us
Y/n- Hold on I'll ask her
Y/n-Coco you wanna eat with then
Coco-(looks at Donta her boo)I don't care
One of the boys asked
???-where's Lovely at
Y/n-I don't know what's your name?
???-And where's Jasmine?
Y/n-I don't know me and Coco are best friends and Jasmine and Lovely are best friends,we don't really know them like that we just go to school with them
Y/n-And what's your name?
Y/n-oh ok
Coco-so who's ready to eat?
Y/n goes to the bathroom and called the other girls and told then to come and that there bae's are hear,and that they had asked about them they said that they are coming.So Y/n went back to the table and told the other boys Adam and Luke.A couple of minutes pass and then Jasmine and Lovely pops up and they go get there food and sat down.
When they came over to the table after giving there boy friend a kiss.
Donta-We should go to the mall
Jacob-Naw man we should go to the park
Luke-Naw we should go to the to the new carnival in town
Adam-Yea and I heard that there's a discount and so you can ride all the rides
Jacob-So all you have to do n is pay to get in and that's all
Donta-We should go,how much does it coast?
Luke-Hold up(pulls out phone and looks it up) rang he says while whistling this is pricey
Donta-How much is it?, cause it could be 2$ and be too much for you
Luke-Its 30$ per person
Donta-How long is it open for
Luke-it from 2 to midnight
Adam-Then we should leave then
Coco-Yea what time did y'all wanna meet up
Jacob-Just call us when y'all are ready
We leave and go with the sane people that we came with
Coco-Aye we should all where a neon shirt and a whits skirt
Jasmine-wait I don't have one
Lovely- you can use one of mine
Jasmine-ok (She said getting into the car)
(At Coco house)
Y/n-Omg I have to check in with my mom
Coco-You better do it before you get into trouble
Y/n-I am
Coco-I'm about to get into the shower
Y/n-Ok I'm going to use the other shower down stairs
(After the shower)
Coco-I'm about to call Lovely and then to see if they are ready
(On the phone with Lovely)
Coco-Yall done yet
Lovely -Yea we been done
Coco-omg y'all should have been called us and told us that so we can call the boys
Lovely-Sorry but we was doing our hair
Coco-OMG!! I'm about to call the boys

Y/n-What happened
Coco-These girls been ready but they didn't call us cause they was doing they hair
Coco-Yea and I wanna see my bae(she says while looking through her contacts)
Y/n- No! Don't call him
Y/n-cause I wanna talk to Jacob
(Coco just smiles)
(Y/n calls Jacob)
Y/n-So where did you wanna meet?
Jacob-Just go ahead and go to the carnival,if you wanna?
Y/n-Yea it's fine I'll go
Jacob-Are you sure we can meet up somewhere else if you want to
Y/n-No its fine
Jacob-You sure?

Coco-What they say
Y/n-they said just to go to the carnival
Coco-oh ok
We got into the car and headed to the carnival.As so as we pulled up we saw Jasmine and Lovely we all wore what we where supposed to exsept that our shirts where different.Jasmine had on a pink neon,Lovely a Yellow neon,Coco a green neon and Y/n a blue neon shirt.
We was lookin cute and our outfits where on fleek and then we saw the boys they where also wearing neon and so they saw us and walked over to us
Jacob-Aye sorry if this is weird bit we overheard that you guys where wearing neon so we did to.We didn't know what color to where so we just wore our favorite color.But,it looks like we have more in common then we think we do.😊
Y/n-Its ok it looks like it worked out just fine.
(☺Jacob smiles☺)
Coco-Lets get this party started
Y/n and Jacob spend the whole time together.Y/n doesn't when really pay attention to it all you wanted was Jacob.The other girls where the same way,This was one of the best nights of Y/n life's.

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