Death and Dinner

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I grumbled to myself as Tanya walked into the room looking like she owned the place. Only a couple minutes in and I was already annoyed with this woman. My father followed in behind her with my brother Aida, they both had grim looks on their faces. Tanya looked at me a bit disgusted but quickly tried to cover it up with a fake smile making her bright red lips look thin. Tanya looked at me up and down and hatefully says

"My god child, how impropriate of you to dress so... Revealing."

What the hell did she mean? This dress wasn't that revealing at all. I mean she needs to look in her own mirror before telling me that I was revealing. I swear one wrong move and her nipple was going to fly out. I then noticed Naomi glare at Tanya with hate but put a blank face on when my mother's eyes looked at her. Ryuu then stepped in and said

"Mrs. Raine, I have to ask what do you mean? I think my soon to be daughter-in-law looks absolutely gorgeous in that dress and my son would back me up on that"

My anger was rising how dare she be so rude to me especially in front of my mates parents, it was downright cruel. Zya touched my shoulder softly making my eyes look up at him. Zya nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck making me catch me breath and hold it. Zya then softly says

"Not here Plague..."

I growled to myself but obeyed him. I noticed Tanya glaring at Ryuu as Ebony stepped up shyly to me and tugged on my dress. I smiled and bent down to her small height there was a soft hint of pink on her cheeks. She was absolutely adorable. She softly and quietly says

"I wanted to tell you that I think your pretty in that dress."

I smiled big she was kind and caring as well. Zya was sure lucky to have his little sister. I gently touched her chin line and softly say back

"Well thank you, I wanted to tell you that I love your dress too and who did your hair its adorable"

A huge grin smread across her small face, she was wearing a very gorgeous dress with a lot of rhinestones on it and her hair wasn't that put up good in an uneven ponytails with rhinestone hairbands. Ebony then said loudly

"I did my hair all by myself!"

I grinned bigger and replied

"Well Miss Ókami your just going to have to do my hair one day soon."

Ebony's eyes widen as her smile grew bigger, It seemed as if that was a dream come true for the little girl. I looked up as Naomi smiled at me with a grateful smile. Zya then said

"Well, shall we go so we aren't late for our reservations?"

Everyone looked at Zya, he had his Alpha voice on now as they all agreed and started to walk out the front door. I looked at Zya as he grabbed my arm as he said

"We my dear are taking a seperate care. Remember after dinner I have someone that needs to be alienated for being a spy for Orenji."

I nodded taking in the information. I wondered what Orenji had down seeing that I wasn't in that room anymore. Zya walked out the front door with me close behind as I asked

"Which one is your car Zya?"

Zya grinned sinisterly as he walked up to an Ford Mustang Cobra that was all glossy black with black tinted windows and flat black rims with the nocal star in the middle of the rims. My eyes widen as a crooked grin started to form on my lips. I then say

"Damn, thats a hot car Zya.."

"Actually this will be yours once I fully announce.... Umm you'll see later."

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