Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

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           Our story begins in the kingdom of Cheshire, ruled by the king George and queen Emily. In that castle resides the great wizard Aragon, with his apprentice Matthew. We will now enter the library where the wizard is attending to pressing matters.

"My young knight this is an important quest" Aragon says walking to his book of quests.

"What is it wise Aragon" the knight responds bravely and confidently.

"All that I say is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Aragon says looking for answers through the book.

"What do you mean wizard, I do not understand what you mean by 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'?" the knight ponders

"That is all I can tell you young knight and give u that map that will lead you on your quest" Aragon says handing him the map.

"How am I supposed to complete the quest with something I don't understand and just a map" the knight asks annoyed. The apprentice Matthew comes from the other side of the room and builds the confidents to speak up.

"Master Aragon?" Matthew asks walking towards Aragon and the knight.

"Yes my apprentice?" he responds

"What if I went on the quest?" Matthew asks, the knight bursts out laughing.

"An apprentice like you, how would you survive out there in the wilderness?!" the knight asks historically

"Hm, sounds interesting. Alright apprentice, I will let you go on this quest." Aragon says with a grin.

"What!?" the knight angrily questions the wizard.

"Young Matthew, if you succeed and return from your quest you will be knighted" the wizard says smiling at the young apprentice in front of him.

"But, if you fail you will have to leave and never return to this kingdom" the knights adds with a grin on his face.

"Deal" Matthew shakes the hand of the knight.

"It has been decided, Matthew. You will go on the quest, the best way for me to help you is to give you this map and this information." Aragon says handing him the map.

"What information can you give me?" Matthew asks the wizard.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" the wizard gives his apprentice the wisdom.

"Thank you master" Matthew smiles and hugs Aragon. Aragon, hugs back and smiles at Matthew. Matthew lets go and runs to out of the library heading to his room. Matthew enters his room, and packs his satchel, he packs his potions, his spell books, his money, and the map. He walks out of his room and walks to the stables. He walks to his brown horse, with white hair. He grabs his saddle, and a few other things for the trip. He sets up his saddle and climbs on, "ride bailey!" Matthew yells.

Off bailey his horse rides, through the village of the kingdom. The wind brushing against his hair and face, welcoming him on his journey. Matthew enters the country, and stops his horse, looking back for the last time. The kingdom of Cheshire's gates wide open, awaiting for his return from his quest. He takes off ounce again, riding through the country. Passing the wheat fields, and the green plains.

Matthew travels till mid-day. He comes to the dark forest, people say if you enter the forest you would never return. Matthew looks at the map 'it's almost dark I should a place to stay for the night' Matthew thinks to himself. He sees the little town of yore, he sirs his stead and rides to the little town. As he enters the town, he could tell not many people lived here. The town was dark and grim, he slowly rides down the street as he rides past towns folk some of them hide their children, and some them stare at Matthew. He jumps down from baily and ties her to a post. He enters the town's tavern, a lot of men drinking beer. He goes to the counter, "I'm looking for a place to stay do you have any rooms for rent?" Matthew asks the bartender behind the counter. "5 coins" he says holding out his hand. Matthew pulls out his money pouch, pulls out 5 coins and hands it to the bartender. The bartender leads Matthew to his room,

"Thank you" Matthew says with a smile.

"Your welcome" he responds

"Can I ask you something" Matthew asks

"Sure" the bartender looks at Matthew

"What is in the forest?" the bartender pulls a chair up to the bed and sits down, Matthew sits down on the edge of the bed listening intensely.

"That forest is evil, deep in the forest lives what they say is a witch. When people enter and see her, well let's just say they never return to tell the tale. We don't know what she does to them. Some say they are eaten, some say they are buried alive." The bartender tells the tale.

"What do u think happen to them?" Matthew asks, the bartender shakes his head.

"I don't know." The bartender responds as he stands and heads towards the door. "Good night sir."

"Good night" Matthew replies. Matthew lays down in bed and closes his eyes. Letting his mind wander to dream land, letting his mind explore. He slowly drifts off to sleep as the night turns to day. The next day Matthew gets up early in the morning, grabs his things and heads downstairs to his horse. He climbs onto the saddle and rides out of the town. He rides in the dark forest, he slowly rides down the dirted path through the forest. Owls hoot warnings, and wolfs howl of hunger. Wolves slowly appear from the dark, onto the path. Baily whines and kicks her front feet making Matthew fall off the saddle onto the cold ground. Baily runs off leaving Matthew all alone, the wolves slowly creep towards him. He searches through his satchel till he sees his sleeping potion. Matthew quickly pulls it out and pops the top off spraying the wolves with the potion, making them drift off into temporary sleep. Matthew continues down the path until he comes across a house, with an old woman sitting on the porch.

"Are you the witch they say lives in this forest?" Matthew asks cautiously

"Everyone says I am, so I must be" she says with a shaking creepy voice.

'Her eyes...' Matthew thinks to himself 'they are so majestic.'

"Your eyes...are so...beautiful" Matthew spills out.

"What..." the woman asks her voice softens a bit her voice no more shakiness.

"You're so beautiful, your lips look so soft." Matthew blushes as he speaks. A small light shines from the necklace she wears around her neck as the light grows bigger it blind Matthew, making him shield his eyes. The light slowly vanishes, he uncovers his eyes revealing a beautiful young woman with long brown hair, light skin, her eyes blueish green. She looks at Matthew, and smiles with joy.

"You did it you broke the curse" she says with glee. Sunshine shines into the forest turning it into a beautiful place brightening the town of yore up.

"What is your name fair maiden" Matthew asks walk to the maiden

"Makayla" she replies walking to Matthew until they meet face to face.

"Well Makayla...will u be my love until the end of time?" Matthew asks blushing as he looks into her gentle eyes. Matthew sends a letter to Aragon explaining everything and thanking him for all he had down for him. Over the years Makayla and Matthew stayed together and lived in the town or yore.

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