Smile (Uneited)

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   She was walking throught the ha;; of the school with a smile in her facwe. Her blue eyes shined with happiness and her smile showed her white shiny teeth. Many people where waving at her as she made her way through the hall. Her bname is Dawn just like dawn she was buetiful. Her brown hair and blue eye made an amazing contrast on her oval face.  Her long legs made her get to her destination in mintues. Everyone loved her becuase she was nice and caring towads othere but there was something that they didnt know. The thing that she kept locked under her smile. Its something thaths befeels will mkae others hate her. 

She was now infront of the door of her destintion. She pushed the wood door to reval the blue room. The romm that was full of paint and colors. All of difrent colors, shades that are darker then others while tints that are lighter. She mad eher way tothe conor of the room where she has a canvas already started.  The colors coming from the canvas made  the room look odd. It was like it didnt belong there. HS ehas already started to stich in diffrentlaces. Pastel blue, pink and green all embored in gold string. Her heart was just like the canvas. Broken. 


He was standing up tall and acting like he owned the place as he passed tha same halls everyone does. He was diffrent, wearing fashionable clthng instead of the moron uiform.  He was treated diffrently. No teacher wanted to get in his way or even look at him. They didnt fear him  but his power, money and family. He was only treated diffrently becuase he had that last name. Hunter was the last name he was born in. Since a child he would be treated like royalty no matter howharsh he acted. A wayod life that is only given becuase of the outside and not the inside is not what he want. He wanted something diffrent. HE wanted someone that would tell him he is more than just the son a rich man. 

He made his way to the room on theoppiste of the blue room. The red room the one filled with books. All of a difrent style. He looked at each book and saw that the where diffrent now. THeywhereorginazed. He rember when he was younger that he would come here and read the books. He was going to orgiziethem but after he came from summer break. Instead of him orgiazing them someone else has already started. The day  he found out that he wasnt the only one going there he sta.yed in the room till that person came inside. Its been 2 weeks since that person started to orgizethem but the oersin was not coming. He was gonnago t here one more day and wait and if that oersondidnt come back he would start to orginze them himself. 

He sat across the table where a panda bag was laying on the chair. How wierd he  thought to himeself as he picked it up. It smelled like roses, those that whereberly picked from a bush. Making his way to the zipper  he heard footsteps coming from the hall. It was 3:50 pm and no one was supose to be in the shcool. The door of thre room then started to creak. 

His breathe became rapid and his heart started to beat faster. In the door was a girl. Her brown hair up in a perfect bun and her face wasnt covered in makeup. She looked like if she has been painting since she had paint covering her hands.  Red like roses just like the smell. He let go of the zipper and set it n the chair. 

"What are you doing here?" was what came from his mouth. Her eyes looked souless like if she was a robot. She started to walk toward him withputanswearing. 

"HEy i am talking to you." He demaned but she kept walking. It was useless. She was already to where he was and she extanded her hand. His eyees widen but then he roze. SH egot the Panda backpack and opened it. Inside where red roses all of diffrent sies. SHe set themin one table and then headed to the book shelf. SH ebegan to put books inorder with great care.

"Hey i am talking with you"

"Well i am not" She snapped.  Her hands let go of the bookjk. It fell with a great thump on the floor like an atomic bomb.  He has never in his lifed been told that. She was not gonna take this easy. How can a useless girl like  her ever speak to him that way. 

He  walked toward her and he got her by the arms oushing her agiasnt the wall. 

"who do you think you are?" He told her with a strong demeaner.

Instead of being scared......she smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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