An Interview with DoxVulupine

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Wattpad Spotlight Writer Interview

Hey guys and gals! Dox here (a.k.a. DoxVulupine)! You probably haven't heard from me, so let me introduce myself. I've been on Wattpad for about two years now. I started out with fanfiction, which I still write. I'm also moving towards more science fiction and mystery type stories.

I should stop before I spoil the interview, hehe. Hope my tips help you and please, if you have any questions for me, feel free to end me a message. Thanks to TheAuthenticArtist for doing this!

Which genre stories do you write, and which is your favorite to read?
I write primarily fanfiction, but I'm also getting into action, science fiction, mystery/thriller.
Love to read all types of fiction, but if I had to pick one, I'd say science fiction. Although it's fiction, it makes me think about the future and all the things we as humans could potentially accomplish. While most things seem far off, who knows? Real hoverboards (not those handlebar-less segways) could come soon.

How long have you been writing for?
I've been on Wattpad officially since September of 2013, but didn't start writing until a year later. What took me so long? I didn't like writing at the time. Go figure!

Why didn't you like writing before, and why do you like it now?
Well, in the past, I never considered myself a "creative" person. Sure, I liked to draw every now and then, but I wasn't any good at it. But for one English essay, we had to write a short story. I really wish I had the original document to post on here. All I remember is that it was a kidnapping story and I really enjoyed writing it. My teacher liked it as well, so that only further increased my perspective of writing.
Now, writing is how I express myself. It's how I spend my free time and it's just an overall positive experience. I also enjoy editing, finding little mistakes or just adding/changing something to the story. If I had to describe it in one word: fun.

What generally inspires a story?  Do you have any tips for those of us who struggle to find inspiration?
Any idea that you might have can been written into a story. A dream, a thought, a funny joke your friend tells you. For me, it's my imagination. I have a mind that wanders quite a bit so ideas aren't too hard to come by.

For others, I'd tell them not to think too hard. Let the creativity naturally. Any ideas you might have, write them down. If one really sticks out to you, use it. Always keep your ideas, you never know when you might need them.

Which story was/is your favorite to write?
Right now, "Deadly Menace". Yes, it's a fanfic, but hear me out. Compared to the other two in the "Chasing Chase" series, this one's different. It's so much different from anything I've written and you don't even need to read the first two books in the "Chasing Chase" trilogy to understand it. That's why I enjoy it so much.

What does #WattpadBooksAreRealBooksToo mean for you?
If you think that because your story is online and available to read for free that it's not a real book, you're wrong. You spent time and effort putting together that story that people around the world enjoy reading. You know how long it takes for a physical book to become successful? Months, maybe years. But on Wattpad, it can take days, maybe a few weeks, before a story starts getting recognized. That is the power of the Internet. That is the power of Wattpad.

What advice can you give to us about writing - maybe some of us who want to write but feel hopeless, or are suffering from a writing slump?
Never give up. If you're stuck on one story, but have an idea for another, work on the other one. Just never stop writing. As long as you keep writing, the creative juices keep flowing.
If you do need ideas, take a break. Read a book, a physical one, so that you're not distracted by the wonderful world of social media. Go for a walk, hangout with friends. Do something away from the computer. You'll have an idea by the time you return and you'll be happy to keep writing.

Spotlight Writers: March 2016Where stories live. Discover now