Happy Times

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I saw Steve earlier...on my way to my dentist...our dentist...

Steve was my ex. I thought I am/was completely over him...but seeing him for the first time after 5 months brought back memories...some happy...mostly bitter...

I told myself, go ahead, talk to him. This is your chance...don't let this opportunity pass...

I walked...away from the clinic...

Inside my head...a voice echoed.


Walking away from the clinic brought back years of memories.  I remember being the chubby guy at work, I remember Steve walking up to me and before long, we were having a conversation.  I am having a conversation with the cutest and the most sought after guy in the office!

Everything happened so fast, after the conversation came numerous meeting.  I wasn't sure we were dating then.  We just enjoyed watching movies together, reading books from hours to end at the National Bookstore, going out together and drinking till the wee hours of the morning.  It may be during one of those drunken moments that I asked Steve what we are, his answer instantly made me sober.

"I didn't think you'd ask, I thought you've figured it out already.  I love you."

We became even more happier after that confirmation.  I guess, on my end, I was just waiting for him to 'label' what we have.  After all, isn't it nice finally know we're not just two friends going out and enjoying each other's company.  We're both genuinely in-love with each other.

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