now (a niall horan fanfiction)

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(A\N so this is my first try at a real fanfic and its based of after *a harry fanfic* except its called now (see what I did there?) And its about niall and you know pretty has kind of the same idea as after but it IS different for sure. I really hope you enjoy it and I would love feed back! My twitter is @swegnarrry so tweet me if you'd like. Story if the beginning is a bit boring I need to get the story started and I ant it to be as realistic as possible. Enjoy(: )

"Its all your fault!" My father shouts waking me up from my peaceful sleep into shitty reality.

"Well, I'm not the one who has a mediocre job and can barley support this family! I make in a day than you do in one week!" My mother shouts back. I drag myself out of bed and try to drown out this five day long argument they've been having. They hop from subject to subject every week, luckily today I'm finally leaving for college and I wont have to listen to them bicker anymore. The image in the mirror horrifies me, bags under my eyes and my hair matted and going in every direction. I attempt to brush out my hair and straighten it, only ending in it going up into a bun.

"I'm done with this conversation!" My mother yells for the fifth time this week as she walks up the stairs. I sigh and grab my bags out of the closet, before putting on some leggings, covered in little flowers, and a purple t shirt. I don't even bother putting make up on, since I'm going on a plane. Just as I go to turn my doorknob the door flies open revealing my flustered mother.

"Oh, you're ready? I thought you'd still be asleep." She says trying to avoiding any questions. How could I possibly sleep with those two screaming to each other?

"My flight leaves in 2 hours and we have a 45 minute drive, I wasn't going to sleep in." I say dragging my bags past her attempting to get them down the stairs. My bags don't have that much in them, yet they feel heavier than yesterday. My father sees me struggling and helps me. I could see the wrinkles starting to form on his face from the amount of stress he gets from my mother and work lately. I hate seeing him like this, but my mother being the way she is always has the last word of the argument and never backs down, making his life a living hell.

Once everything was put into the car I got into the passenger seat waiting for my father to get in but when my mother gets in my mood plunges.

"I thought dad was driving me?" I don't look at her and cross my legs.

"He isn't feeling well so I will. Is that okay with you?" She asks, her tone full of sarcasm. I look out the window and cross my arms.

"Yes, of course it is." I hear a sigh before we exit the drive way and begin the journey to my new life.

AMDA is a picky preforming arts school that only excepts the most talented kids doesn't have the highest acceptance rate, so when I applied I wasn't expecting very much, but when I got in I knew that my life was changing for the better. I've always had good grades and didn't usually get into trouble except in the fourth grade I tried beating up a boy for calling me ugly, which ended up with me getting in trouble instead of him. After that I never did anything bad again. But my life was always boring and ordinary, it was like long poorly written book. It was weird knowing I'm going to be on my own now, since I've always had people around me helping me 24/7 it would be a nice change. Hopefully my roommate isn't some crazy party freak and actually pays attention to the reason she's there which is to get a good education.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mom opening up her car door.

"We are here." She says closing the door behind her. I put my small backpack on and take my suite case from her.

"Thanks." I say

"Are you sure your going to be okay? Do I need to come in there with you? Do you have everything?" She bombarded me with questions squeezing both my arms like someone was about to drag me away.

now (a niall horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now