Dustin and Randy- Unknown Lustful Desires

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"Really, you don't know what a werewolf is?" I yelled at my best friend, Andrew.

"No, of course not; I live in the real world!" He yelled back. I knew he was lying, werewolves were real. He just haven't seen one as yet, where ever you see a big dog... It's a werewolf in disguise.

We were currently in the car, on our way back home. His mom had just picked us up from tennis practice. I was really tired from running around that court. My legs and arms hurt, I needed a hot shower and a massage.

My eyes were glued to whatever we passed by on the street as my mind ran away from society. Buildings looked small and the ducks waddling under the red light looked huge. Damn that dog is big, I thought to myself as we passed a big brown, green eyed animal. It was just standing there on all four, staring at me in the car. Is it really looking at me?

Wait, isn't that the dog from yesterday?

"Dustin! C'mon man, the car stopped. Get out." Andrew said, snapping his fingers in my face.

I made my move to get out the car when I just had the urge to look at the big dog again. It wasn't there. It's like it disappeared! I looked down the street and every possible place it could have went. I still couldn't find it... For some reason, I wanted to see it again. I don't even know why... Those eyes, they were so beautiful. My face held the expression of depression when I didn't find the big dog.

"Uhh Dustin, you okay?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm good man." I said clapping him up and getting fully out the car, standing on the sidewalk outside.

"Dude you look like you saw your mom catching you smoke pot." He told me, trying to make a joke out of this. It really wasn't that funny.

"Andrew, I'm good man. Thank you Ms.Wright for the ride." And with that, I was walking up the steps to my house. I felt like I was being watched. I looked back and around me like a mad man, about to snap my neck or something.

"Damn." I swore and shook my head.

"I'm seeing things." I whispered to myself trying to sound un-scared and make sense of the situation. How can I feel someone staring at me? I don't have any powers or anything. Sheesh Dustin, get a grip!

I fished for my keys in my pocket before taking it out and unlocking my house door. The door cracked open and I screamed, stepping back. Shit, I'm paranoid now. Great, I though to myself. Now I feel like I'm in a movie, about to walk into a trap or something.

I took a deep breath and went inside. I took a careful step one by one on the lookout for anything to pop out of nowhere; don't ask me why I was so scared because I wouldn't know. There wasn't even anything to be scared about.

Just that big dog ripping your throat out and eating your limbs on by one, my conscious said. I mentally slapped myself; there was nothing to worry about.

I think I wanted the dog to walk up to me and lick my face while I pet its head and scratch behind its ears. It was something with it that made me so interested in it. Maybe those eyes? The green pearls were so, so different. I never saw a brown dog with green eyes. Yeah, that was it; it was a unique dog... That's why I'm so interested in it.

I went to the kitchen and gathered water to rinse my face. I got a cup and filled it up with tap water, after bringing it to my lips, I took a sip. The water was refreshing; I heard footsteps then my mom's voice.

"Dustin! That's you?" she asked from upstairs.


"Good I'm on my way out. Don't do anything stupid, your going to be home alone for a while."

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