The Results are in

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After a while I started taking the tests. We waited and then they started coming in. After the first 5 showed the same result we both looked at each other and said "Well we better find a bigger place to live." We laughed after that. Then we had to tell everyone the news. We told my mom first. She was happy but then got worried about me. Jason reassured her immediately that I would be fine. I asked Jason if I could tell Jessica before we told his parents. He said sure. I called her and asked if she could come over to my mom's. She said yes.
When she got there we both told her she was going to be an aunt. She jumped up and screamed. We told her not to tell her parents and that we wanted to. She pouted but said sure. We all left as we were going over there we called and asked them to be prepared for some news. Greg answered the phone and immediately asked if everything was ok. I reassured him that we were fine. He said that they would be waiting. Then we hung up. A few minutes later we pulled up to the house. Jason got out and came around and helped me out. Greg opened the door and we went in and went to the living room. Once we all were seated I took a deep breath and looked at Jason and we both said at the same time. "Congratulations Grandparents to be." They looked at us. Greg spoke up first after a few minutes asking me if I was sure. I told him yes that we were only after taking 5 pregnancy tests. Greg laughed saying that "I would be sure after taking that many tests also."  We talked about everything for a few minutes more when Greg asked me if I wanted to see a vampire doctor. I said yes just to make double sure that I am pregnant. He left and made a phone call. He came back a few minutes later and said that his brother would be here in a few minutes. I asked if his brother was at our wedding he said yes that he was one of the guards that took Joanne to the dungeons that day. I said with a question "Henry?" Henry happened to walk in just as it came out. And said "Yes Roseanne." I turned around and said "No wonder I felt safe with you around when we dealt with Joanne later that day." Henry asked me to lay down so he could examine me. I did as was asked. He went to work after about 10 minutes of examination he looked at both of us and said with a smile. "Well Roseanne you are definitely pregnant. I would say that you are about 3 weeks along right now." Jason whispered "remember me telling you about how vampire pregnancies go?" I said yes.

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