Day One

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I am back my readers. Most of this will be in Jason's point of view. Enjoy!

Jason's POV

I woke up the next morning with Roseanne in my arms. She doesn't know this but after breakfast we are going to see our baby for the first time. She woke up a few minutes later. I said good morning and that I had a surprise after breakfast. She jumped up and got dressed and said asked what were we waiting for. I went and got dressed myself because I could not wait to see my unborn child. When we were ready we walked hand in hand to the dining room to eat. About that time Henry walked in and asked if she was ready for her surprise. She looked at both of us like we had 4 heads. Then asked one question. She said "ok what is the surprise?" Henry said that we were about to see our baby. She stopped and said really he said yep. She then said what are we waiting for let's go. Just as I started to think my love for her would not get any bigger it did. Henry led us to the room where the sonogram machine was and asked her to lay down. She did as told. He put gook on her belly and then took the wand and started moving it around. And there on the monitor our unborn child appeared. I was in awe. Roseanne was speechless. I was the first to speak saying hello baby I am your daddy. Roseanne said that she was her mom. The baby waved at both of us saying hello back. Henry asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby we both said yes. The baby was not shy in showing us that we were having a little girl. After Henry did a few more measurements he told both of us that she was 5 months along and doing great. I am glad too. I looked at Roseanne and said. "Did you like your surprise?" She said that she did. We called everyone into the living room. I looked at my wife and asked if she wanted to tell them. They all looked confused before she said. "We are having a little girl." Greg spoke up first just as Henry walked in asking about how we knew. Henry said that he let us see her for the first time a few minutes ago. And that Roseanne was 5 months along now and doing great. Her mom came up to both of us and gave us a hug. Then all 3 women went to discuss the baby's room and everything. About this time I got a call from Matt and I excused myself and took it in the study. I said "What's up?" Matt said that The Blood Moon Pack had been destroyed along with Joanne. That he personally took care of that bitch. I thanked him and hung up. I called everyone into the study including my wife. I said "Well we all can go back because The Blood Moon Pack has been destroyed." My dad asked if I was sure. I told him that Matt had just called and gave me the news and that he personally took care of Joanne. That made Roseanne relax. She asked me when could we leave. I told her that we could in a couple of days. Henry came in and asked what the meeting was about and I told him. He said ok. It was around 6 that we found out

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