Chapter three - 'Fun! Not.'

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• h a r r y •

Okay, now you're probably thinking how fun this must be and how much I'm laughing and enjoying myself. WELL THINK AGAIN. This is not fun at all, though I find myself craving to see more. You see, the problem is that since I'm sharing the room with Louis and since there's only one bed we have to share. And it's torture. I mean, his sexy, beautiful, hot body is right in front of my eyes, and he's only in boxers! I swear, this boy's mission in life is to kill me. Seriously. I want to touch him, feel him, do things I should not be saying out loud, to him. Oh, you have no idea of what I want to do with him.

Touch him, then. Just a little bit, he's asleep. He wouldn't know.

Oh, and there's my brain. As you can see, my brain's not very smart as it actually suggest I touch him. I mean, what the hell? Since when do brains have their own mind? It's my brain, my mind, only I can actually come up with such stupid suggestions, but no, my brain took that away from me. You know what, I find myself arguing with my brain alot lately. Is that wierd?

Of course it is, twat.

Shut it, brain. Geez. Well, about time for me to get up and away from this torture of deliciousness called Louis Tomlinson. Even though I'm so fucking tired I can't sleep. Again, due to the torture of deliciousness that is called Louis Tomlinson. So, I climb out of bed, which is a lovely bed, by the way. Just love it. I find myself some decent clothes, meaning sweatpants and an ordinary t-shirt. No socks, that's just tiresome and pointless.

I make my way out of the room, down the stairs, which where way too long by the way, I mean what kind of stairs need so many steps that I almost fall?! That's just wrong. Gad.

''Is that you, Harry?''

Oh, Liam's awake. And it's eleven thirty in the morning. Huh.

Well duh, what did you expect? It's Liam.

Dammit brain, you're getting on my last nerves. You better watch it, missy! And ignore the fact that I just basically gendered my brain as a girl, that's not important. Oh, I'd better answer Liam.

''Well duh, who'd you think it was? Louis? Don't make me laugh,'' I huff out, coming into the kitched, where Liam and .. Niall! I shriek like a little girl and jump onto him, threatening with my hand over his neck and glare at him while he looks surprised and terrified.

''Who are you and what have you done with Niall?'' I growl. (I'm lucky my ears and tail didn't come out, hehe) What an idiot alien. ''You're kinda stupid. Niall is never, and I repeat never, awake this early, so explain yourself, missy.'' I don't know why, but calling everyone 'missy' after a threat is just appealing to me, I just have to do it. I don't care if it's a boy I threaten, I'm gonna say it.

This 'Niall' laughs as the words I just said sinks in and he and Liam shakes their heads. Whut?

''Harry, that is Niall, I just managed to wake him up early,'' Liam laughs. I furrow my eyebrows confused. What? Then this is Niall and not some alien impersonating him? Well then. I get off him and huff.

''I so totally knew that,'' I say, not looking at either of them. They just laugh a little bit more, earning a glare from me. It's rude to laugh at people, unless you're me, then it's okay.

''So how did it go sleeping with Louis?''

I almost choke at how wrong those words sound, and my mind is dirty. Really dirty. But I snap out of it, seriously, no dirty thoughts now. You should be ashamed of yourself, Harry. Yeah, yeah I should.

''Surprisingly fine, you know, except for when I woke up,'' I answer, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. Liam raises an eyebrow and both him and Niall are now waiting for me to explain deeper. I sigh. This is so awkward, for me, anyways. I'm pretty sure these two are enjoying themselves.

"You know I went to bed before him, and when I woke up he was just sleeping there, in only boxers,'' I say, the last part muttered through clenched theeth. I continued, ''That deliciousness right in front me and I couldn't even touch it! It's torture, and his tattoos and abs and six-pack and face and everything, is not making this any easier. I swear, it was right before I jumped him there and then.'' They both just laughed, not at all awkward or flustered by my words, probably because they're just used to it and finds it .. 'cute'. Their words, not mine.

''You've got it bad, Harry,'' Niall laughs and I glare at him. Like I didn't know that, I mean, how wouldn't I? It's me we're talking about .. right? But suddenly Liam has to get all serious and ruin this whole vacation shit. Of course.

''Hey, you guys know that Waltz maniac who escaped from prison?'' he asks. Niall looks at him an nods, and Liam continues, ''I wonder what those teenagers who were .. experimented on are going to do, and how they hide that they're hybrids?'' I almost choke out the water in my mouth, scream like I'm loco and run away like there's no tomorrow, change my name to Petito and every time someone will ask me if I know a Harry Styles my answer will be; ''Harry Styles? Me no know him, no. Nono.'' And it would be in an mexican accent. Yep.

But since I'm such a good actor (Note the sarcasm, I'm a horrible actor) I pretend to be disgusted(Don't actually need to pretend, there) and I look at him.

''They probably has their own ways of hiding,'' I say, trying to act casual. Kinda hard. Liam has the thinking face and right now I don't like the thinking face because the thinking face may figure something I don't want figured out. My claws just want to claw that thinking face off hos face, but I can't do that, then I'll do the 'thinking' for him, if you know what I mean .. Man, that sentence just screams something perverted.

''What do you think of hybrids, Harry?'' Niall decides to ask me, and I try to act Natural. You know, fake smile, hand on the counter and a pose, like pro. I get wierd looks from both Niall and Liam.

''I think they're just victims of a traumatizing kidnapping and torturing,'' I say, trying to hold my voice solid and not breaking but at the last word my voice cracks a little. Niall and Liam has those looks on their faces that tell me they something is wrong and they want to know it, now.

''Spit it out, Styles,'' Niall demands, and I gulp and turn around so I'm not facing them. ''What's wrong? You acted wierd before you announced the vacation and now you're acting wierd.'' Liam has the fucking thinking face and my world crumbles as he suddenly gasps and looks at me with eyes that know. No. No.

''H-Harry, is the problem what I think it is?'' Liam asks softly, and I can hear he comes closer. I gulp, and this time my voice is obviously cracking, ''That depends on what you think it is.'' I can hear Liam's heartbeat, I can hear him gulp. Yeah, my five, six, whatever senses are highened. It's a blessing and a curse. And not much of a blessing either.

But then Liam to just jump in it and ask the question I never wanted to hear.

''Harry, are you one of the hybrids?''

It all comes back to haunt ya in any way, don't it?

It sure does.


Okay, Niall and Liam needed to know very fast, because well .. I HAVE MAH PLANS. No, kidding, I'm just writing and ideas just come out on their on will ... o.o WELL.

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