Chapter four - 'True friends'

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• h a r r y •

I hear Niall catch his breath after Liam's question and now he's eagerly, not exactly eagerly, waiting on my answer. But I don't want to answer it, I don't want them to hate me. But now, it's too late.

I slowly turn around and face them both as I smile a fake smile, obvious one too, and my eyes get teary as I let my eyes turn yellow and dark and my theeth get sharp and my cat ears show. Both Niall and Liam gasp and I wrap my tail around me like a shield.

''Oh my God..'' Niall breathes. Liam doesn't say anything, and I'm too ashamed too look at either of them so my eyes turn to face the floor(See what I did there?). Now they hate me, think I'm disgusted and a freak of nature. I try to make myself as small as I can, which isn't that small considering I'm pretty tall.

''Harry..'' Liam says soft and almost not hearable, but since it's me I hear it as clear as a bell. ''Did you think we'd hate you?'' At that I whimper, like a cat, and I try to make me even smaller. I let out a high pitched yelp as suddenly to pairs of arms wrap me up and two of my bestfriends are hugging me tightly.

''Harry, we'd never hate you,'' Niall says, softly and low. I smile through the tears that had got away and was now streaming down my face(I'm on fiiireeee), more like grinning, and I hug them back. They don't hate me, they're actually hugging me, in this form. But suddenly Niall pulls away and has the look on his face, and he suddenly stretches his hand to my head and starts to scratch me on my cat ears. Oh fuck. I purr, oh I purr like a cat, like a puma, like a little baby lion, and that causes Niall to smirk and for me to be a little bit afraid. He just found another weakness of mine. Liam just laughs at this, and I give him a playful glare.

"Hey, what's going on?"

We all three freeze at the sound of Zayn's voice in the doorway and I'm quick to hide my ears, theeth, claws and tail. My eyes stay that animal, puma-ish yellow colour, because just in case, you know?

Liam and Niall asks me silently if they can tell Zayn, and I .. I seriously don't know. I feel like I trust Zayn, but what if he hate me? Just because Liam and Niall didn't doesn't mean Zayn or Louis won't. But Niall and Liam has this look in their faces that tells me I can trust him, that he's truly my friend, so I nods. I just pray that they're right.

"Zayn, don't freak out, okay?" Liam just says, but I do think that just makes it all worse. That sentence just screams that something bad has happened or some bad secret is getting out in the open. Oh. That's exactly what's happening, isn't it? Then go ahead Liam, do make him feel slightly afraid. I'll make the best of it. Hehehehe. Puma instinct ooooon, bitches. My ears pop out again as my tail swiftly flaps around and I stare Zayn straight in the eyes, and I almost pee myself. His reaction is so fucking hilarious I can't even .. can't even .. HAHAHAHAAHHAAH.

His eyes widen as his mouth open for him to just stare at me in plain horror, and dare I say amusement? His eyes are just so big and I'm afraid his eyes will just .. pop out.. Like plop! oh there goes my eyeballs. And I can't even hold myself anymore as soon I'm on the floor, turning and laughing like a crazy hyena(not in my DNA, by the way, just letting you know).

"Aw come on mate, my reaction wasn't that funny!" I hear Zayn protest, as if this isn't the slightest bit shocking. Hehe, but I knew what was going inside his head, because it's making me laugh to death. But I can say this, Zayn don't mind and he won't tell. I feel so .. loved right now. I have the best friends in the world. Like seriously. I just wanna hug them to death.

"No, it was hilarious!" I hear Niall gasp, and I realize he's laughing just as hard as me. Hehe, that's mah boy.

"Harry, you are going to tell Louis, right?" Liam asks, and my body freezes and I'm so not laughing anymore. Shit. I look at him, and Niall and Zayn of course, and I beg them. I beg like my life is pretending on it, because honeys, it is.

"No! Please, don't tell him! Do not tell him," I beg and I even get on knees and to that praying thing with your hands. I feel like I'm praying. Kinda .. refreshing .. anyways .. They all look at me with the looks in their faces, before they all sigh and nod. I shriek and jump around and around and do a little piruette here and there, like a pro. Oh, and my animal features were gone. My ears, tail, eyes and everything, hidden and gone. Heh.

"What is with this noise? Can't you people shut it?" a grumpy voice growl and I turn with a dimpled smile to Louis as I shriek and jump to him. And my heart skips a beat, because he just looks irrestistable. His hair is messy, in a sexy way, and his face is in a grumpy and tired expression that makes me feel wierd(you do not want to know in which way). He's sex on legs, and it's right before I jump right there and then. But he's in his morning mood, and since he was woken up .. HEHE. This is gonna be fun, he's really grumpy in the mornings, unless he wakes up by himself or with me.

"LouLouLouLouLouLouLouLooooouuuuuiiiiiis," I sing out, with a high pitched voice that really is annoying, even for me. Louis glares at me and I just grin innocently, because I am. Just look at me. Pure innocence.

"Shut it, Curly," he growls as he pushes past me. I pout and turn around to look at his back, because damn, that's a hot back. And that bum. Just .. I can't .. URGH. It should be illegal to have such a bum, that roundness and gorgeousness. Glorious. I just want to- No, it's inappropiate. Wouldn't want you getting dirty thoughts, now would we?

"Is someone a wee bit grumpy?" I pout in a childish voice to his back, and I snicker as I can see he tenses up. He hates it when someone does that, teasing him in the morning. And of course that's why I love doing it. Hehehe.

"You'd better shut it, dickhead, or else you'll regret ever being born," he growls, and I bark out a laughter. I can't help it, he's actually threatening me and it's very funny because Louis wouldn't even hurt a fly. I see Liam coming into my view with a smile on his face, and he's soon throwing his hands up in the air and shouting out the news;

"We're going to the waterfall!"

Oh man, no. Water. Falling water and water outside, that's not from the sink or shower. I whimper. Water(From outseide, like lakes, rivers and oceans and seas. They might be beautiful, BUT THEY'RE EVIL.) is evil. Evil I tell you. While some says it's lovely and love to bathe, I despise it. It just .. it just whisper to me that it want me dead, you know? It hates me, and I hate it. We have agreed to not get in each others ways, AND I INTEND TO KEEP IT THAT WAY.

Or so I thought.

--- ^~^ --

"Oh god, OH GOD! It's trying to kill me, help me! It's evil! You hear me?!"

I jump and I scream and I try to get out of the water. But I can't swim and the boys are too busy laughing in the sand to even try to help me. And the water is EVIL. I scream once more and try to get at least some reaction that benefits to me from them, but no. NONONO. They'd rather laugh their asses off(DIBS ON LOUIS' ASS, IT'S MINE. BACK OFF.) than help me. I feel hurt.

And finally I manage to get out of the water. Crawling like a cat, wet and coughing like there's no tomorrow. As soon as I'm out of that horrible water's range I just collapse and close my eyes. That had been so scary. And horrible. And that water does not taste good, I'll tell you that.

"H-Harry?" I hear Louis choke above me, and I sligtly open one of my eyes and glare up at him. I don't even care if he looks gorgeous with only swim trunks on and sun shining down on him making him look more like the sex god he is, he shall pay. He also looks like he's holding back laughter, well, he's trying.

"Go to hell," I cough out, hoarse. Probably because of the screaming and the water and coughing to much. Upsie. THEIR FAULT. And Louis snaps. He falls down in the sand laughing, clutching his stomach and some laughter tears in his eyes. I can't help but smile at this. This moment is so wonderful, so peaceful, so happy. And I love it.

Little did I know that was going to change.


Okay, is the chapters too short, or should I try to make 'em longer? o.o I don't even know. Help me here. :c Oh, and I dedicate this to the first person to ever make me wanna really write this, to show me that some people actually reads this. THANK YOU, again. cx ^^ She's the reason this chapter came out today.

Oh, and the drama will soon come. BE PATIENT. DUN DUN DUUUN.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now