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Jackson's (POV)

Everything around me grew tense. I could feel my father's eyes burn holes through my forehead. Shaking that feeling away, I swallowed scanning my surroundings. A balcony covered in a burgundy. The blood of the fallen, they called it. My mother once told my brother and me; even nightmares come true, we just have our eyes too tightly shut to even realize reality. She told us, once the angels fall, their blood from broken, and tattered wings return here. To the balcony, where the angels once tired to run. Tried to escape.
Bright white and charcoal ombre drapes fell beside the balcony. Beside the burgundy railings. The room glowed a bright crimson. I could feel the presence of the dragon-pixies, that were fluttering around the ceiling.

I shook my head smirking. Father always kept those things around. Always said they gave off a dramatic effect. Those things are just ugh don't get me started. Their golden scales trickled down the backs of their tiny yet nimble bodies. They shimmered and flickered in the ceiling. Their wings going a mile a minute, like a hummingbird.

My uncle chuckled smiling softly gazing up at the ceiling, "ah...such majestic creatures, aren't they?"

Nodding, he returns back to the pixies.

His eyes seemed to glaze over in admiration over those evil souls. My father's throne sat in the center of the room. Right smack dab in the middle of the glass mirror, and the rise thrones. My mother loved the rises. They were her favorite. The perfect combination of evil and pure mix into one single delicate flower. They only bloom every full moon. It's a beautiful site, my mother would say.

My eyes glazed over my father's throne. Empty of course. However, we heard his voice. My uncle fidgets as the pixies tug on his ears. I laughed feeling my father's presence fill the room.

"Ah, Alabask surprised to see you brother!" He exclaimed in a rough high voice, the pitch bouncing off the crystal glass mirrors and windows.

Uncle Alabask, he was my father's second brother a halfling. Like pepper. He grunted swatting the dragon pixies away from his earlobes. They glared at him flying off playing with the rises. His eyes locked with my fathers every move.

"Father." His expression never changed, passing glances from the Pixies and myself.

I felt a pair of icy stone cold orbs pierce through me. I didn't need to take another glance to know what color they were. They were a dark amber. Trailing up the steps towards his throne he sits down smoothing out the creases on his cape. He then places his hand on his stomach letting it rest.

The silence broke, uncle Alabask answered nudging me in the process, "Brother, you get younger every time I lay eyes on you. I can assure you that the halfling is taken care of."

My father nods bringing his left mutated hand to his face scratching his chin. He once told me his hand was merely an experiment. The experiment went great until his skin reacted with the chemicals of deathbed rose. Deathbed rose, a deadly chemical that mutates your genes into a strong, and powerful demon.

His shriveled up skin sagged making wrinkles in his tinted red hand. The black fingernails were like mini daggers pointed and chipped at the ends. Yet only four fingers were on the hand. He keeps one curled up finger on his chin like he wanted to think.

He only nods shifting his eyes over to me. Our eyes locked.

"Jackson, your not going to say hello to your father?"

What? I just answered you... Using your powers aren't you?

I grunt keeping my eyes locked with my father's amber ones. Neither of us speak, the room grows tense. My uncle suddenly coughs releasing the tension between us. My father blinks chuckling.

"Jackson answer me at once," his words were sharp.

The Dragon pixies changed to a dark cobalt to a mix of light grey. He was giving off his emotions through the Dragon pixies of course.

I breath out thinking about what to say, "You already know what I have to say to you," I replied courtly.

My uncle suddenly walks over to the balcony staring outside. I ignore him continuing with our conversation.

"You will address me as Lord Ambrosio, or father, " he continues, "and yes I do know. How's pepper?"

Alabask chuckled trying as best to stay out of eavesdropping. The Dragon pixie one the rises suddenly turned a bright huhe of fiery orange. Jackson knew already what that meant.

Ambrosio smiles warmly at the sight of the rises flickering in the crimson light of the room. He summons alabask over whispering in his ear.

"Someone's awake. You know what to do."

"Yes Lord amborosio." I watched as my uncle scurries off the chamber doors slamming behind him.

The Dragon pixies turned light blue now flickering between a crimson and a gold. It's strange how they react with emotion. Even if you don't want to show it. They know it anyway. My father let's out a long sigh his forehead creases as he gazes throughout the room.

The silence broke, "what are you going to do with Pepper?"

There was a slight gleam in his eye, one I've seen before. However, I wasn't ready for what came through the doors.

"Why don't you ask for yourself?" Brad interrupted pushing the chamber doors open.

I looked at him up and down, he was a wreck. His expression never seemed to brighten even for a second. I'm guessing he didn't want to be back in his father's presence. Neither would I if I was one of the pures. Brads suit was covered head to toe in ash and soot. Hmm what caused that? Was it father's rage again?

He looks at me with cold eyes, never meeting my eyes. Only giving me glances. Our father smiles rubbing his fingers together.

"Uncle is taking care of her Jack. She's safe. He knows what it's like to be a halfling. That's why I called on him for backup, but when we arrived...nothing."

A perplexed look washes over me, nothing? But code. The demon snake. I scratch my nape glancing over to my father who was listening in thoughtfully.

Sighing, "wait but what about code?"

Brad shakes his head, just as I thought.

Suddenly, the rises petals began to fall. One after the other like rain. The Dragon pixies scurried away fluttering back towards the drapes. Peppers awake, and whatever else was asleep had just awoken from its slumber.

Rising from his throne he speaks softly watching as the petals fell to the ground.

"This.. is just the beginning..of something bigger than any of us."

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