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Years in hell have taught me a lesson, all men blame me for their problems, and claim I made them do things. But the truth of the matter is, humans do what they choose, I'm just the Punisher. I never wanted to be, I was once an angel. But the man you all worship was as corrupt as the American government. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely, which is this case exactly. 'God' has been lying to you all, his talk of mercy is his way of fooling you, his preachings of love is all an illusion. He banished me to hell because he knew that I was on to his evil ways. I confronted him on his manipulation and you all hate me, but the truth is that he is the dark side. The angels in heaven now are all slaves to his wickedness. You all love Jesus, but the truth is that Jesus died and was never revived, instead he is now damned to hell for attempting to end the torture of his father's wrath on humanity. You blame me for hurricane's and tornado's, but him for a warm summer day? God is in no way meteorogically inclined. A merciful loving God is what you call him, and yet he shows no mercy to the Jew's of the holocaust, nor the slaves throughout history, nor the mothers who's children are killed by his command. You all shun me and yet I have whispered into the ear of Abraham Lincoln to end slavery, I spoke to Moses in the bush, I put the bullet in Hitler's gun so that his horrors would end. I leave the clues for police to solve countless homicides and rapes, I provide doctors with hints on saving a life with vaccines. What has God done for you? The truth is, he started plagues so that he could have more slaves, he caused Wars so that he could watch blood spill, he created hell for the sole purpose of hurting you all. He made hell as his own sadistic torture theatre. Damning humans to face eternal pain for his own twisted enjoyment. And his war slave angels are nothing more than killing machines, blinded by lies. Sent to kill sinners so that hell will crowd and fill with blood. You all judge me without ever knowing the truth.

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