Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up to the sound of Natasha snoring, and let me tell you her snoring is worst than you think. I checked my phone expecting it to be 8:30 since I wake up at 8:30 on a regular basis.

6:10am. That gives me a couple of hours to go shower, to that little cute cafe off campus, and study, so I might as well. I grabbed a towel, flip-flops, and clothes. I walked to the showers room and checked if there were any boys or girls there. Wait, it's 6:00am...who would be awake? I walked in and got in the third shower, the only shower that gives decent warm water. I put my clothes over the wall and placed my flip flops on top.

I stripped out of all my clothes and turn the water on. I heard the door open and close, then the water turn on. Well I guess somebody else would be awake at 6am. I started rinsing off the shampoo on my hair and I heard someone start humming. It was an unknown tune to me and when they started singing outloud I was still unsure of it. I'm not able to hear the words clearly since I'm in the shower, but I'm still eager to know who is singing. At first I thought it was Rose, but its 6am so why would she be up.

I finally finished my shower before the other person did, and started changing quickly. I took my bus pass out of my bag and waited till the bus arrived to take me to the cafe.

The bus was taking to long to arrive so I decided to start to walk to the cafe and after a few minutes I got there. I took a seat on a nice table close to a tree and I ordered some orange juice and a cupcake. God, I was starving. I started reading my class notebook and eating at the same time, when I'm interrupted by a familiar voice....

"Emily Tomlinson? Are you Louis's sister?"

I turned and guess who it was? The jerk from my class. Niall, ugh... what does he want now?

"Yes, I am. Now what do you want?" I said in a not very friendly tone.

"Geeez, relax. It was just a question its not like I'm going to bite you or something, or am I?" he gives me a creepy smile that gives me goosebumps.

"Really? I don't have time for this, I have to study."

"Why are you always studing? You should relax sometimes you know."

Niall just started yesterday and he was already starting to mess with my nerves. Why is he so annoying? It's my life and he should respect that.

I decided to ignore him, to see if he was going to leave, but he didn't. Instead of that he decided to ask another question.

"So... do you and the nerd date?"

"The nerd?"

"Yeah, that dork that always sits with you."

"First he's not a nerd or a dork, second no we don't and third it's not of your business!"

Who does he think he is to say that about Liam? Whatever, I'll just try to be patient and see if he leaves.

"Ok, ok calm down, so..."

He was going to ask something else but he got interrupted by a super loud voice. Ugh I knew that voice.. It was Rose... she was ordering something.

"Can I have a frappuciano with a double shot? And no whip cream! Oh and skim milk with strawberries inside? Wait what am I even allowed to have strawberries inside? Wait nevermind I just want water."

The guy gave her the water and she started looking around and saw Niall.

"Oh maah gossshhhh. Niaaaaaalll, I'm so glad to see ya here" she started playing with her hair.

Ugh she is so fake. But then she saw me and started complaing

"Eeeew what are you dong with the nerd?"

"Hmmm" Niall didn't know what to say.

"I'm leaving, goodbye" I said while grabbing my books and my purse.

"Bye, neeeerd" she said in her bitchy voice.

Niall couldn't say a word and she kept flirting with him. She was really fake. How could he like her, just no. He could have a girl way much better than that. Wait why do I care? I started walking to bus and waited for it to come.

I walked towards my room and studied the rest of the day. The teachers let me skip class today to study, so that was nice. After that I talked a little bit with Natasha and went to sleep, without even knowing that the next day will be so surprising....


YAYY SARA DID THIS CHAPTER!! *round of applause* Sara you don't suck!! You're real good!! Anyways, cliff hanger!! What's gonna happen?

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