More Than Anything (Tayvin)

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The emptiness of the other side of the bed startled me when I lazily awoke and attempted to roll into Adam's arms. The house seemed oddly quiet, so I slid on my glasses and wandered downstairs into the kitchen.
Adam was at the stove, with his back to me, wearing nothing but sweatpants. He was rocking side to side, while softly humming. He noticed me walk in and turned around, grinning.
"Look, Scar! It's Mommy!" Adam angled our one week old baby toward me.
I smiled, wrapping an arm around him and running a finger along Scarlett's cheek. "Hi, bunny."
Adam pressed his lips to the top of my head. I lifted it to kiss him, and then tucked it in the crook between his neck and shoulder as we admired our baby.
"She's so perfect," he whispered.
"I can't believe she's ours," I let her wrap her hand around my finger.
"I know. God, look at those eyes. She looks just like you."
Scarlett scrunched up her face and started to cry.
"Ohhh," I reached down to take her from Adam. "What's wrong, bunny?"
"I think she's hungry," he told me, rubbing my back as I gently bounced up and down trying to soothe her.
"It's okay, baby," I kissed her forehead as I sat at the kitchen table, positioning a pillow under my arm. I moved my shirt to let her nurse.
Adam turned back to the stove.
I stared down at my daughter, awestruck by her beauty. I couldn't believe this tiny human being had been inside of me just days ago.
"Did you finish that song you were writing for her?" Adam asked.
"No," I sighed. "I've just been so exhausted and I haven't wanted to waste any time I could be spending with her."
"Well," he walked to the table with two plates of eggs, bending down to kiss me before sitting down in the chair next to me. "Maybe we could work on it together today, after breakfast."
"That sounds lovely."
Adam and I chatted as the three of us enjoyed breakfast together.
"You want to take her?" I offered as I finished burping the newborn.
"Of course," he smiled. His eyes lit up as he lifted the infant from my arms. "Hi, love. We're going to go to the studio and Mommy and Daddy are going to make a song just for you."
My heart melted watching the two of them. Adam's eyes were full of pure love for her and her eyes were fixated on him as he spoke.
I followed them to the studio, where Adam placed Scarlett in a bouncy chair and joined me on the piano bench.
"Okay," he placed his hand on my thigh. "Play me what you got, Swift."
It was just like being in the studio years ago, when we'd only been dating for a few months. We would come in here in the middle of the night sometimes and I would play him a bit of a song I'd been working on and he'd help me finish it. That was how the majority of the songs on my sixth album were written.
I let my hands dance over the keys as I sang about how amazed I was with our brand new daughter.
"You're incredible," Adam told me when I stopped playing. "Thank you for Scarlett."
"Thank you," I pressed my lips to his.
"So let's finish this," he grinned, playing over the chords.
We had finished the chorus and a verse when Scarlett began to cry. I went over to take her out of her chair.
"What the matter, Scarlett Isobel?" I held her to my chest. "I think she needs to be changed."
Adam nodded and grabbed a new diaper for her.
"Can I change her on here?" I asked, setting a blanket on the piano.
"I mean... We've done other things on this piano that we probably shouldn't have," he smirked at me. "So I don't think anything can ruin it at this point."
I bit my lip, chuckling, as I set the newborn down on the blanket.
"Daddy's silly, isn't he?" I made faces at her.
Over the course of the next couple hours, with a few more interruptions from Scarlett, we finished the song.
Adam recorded a rough copy of just the piano and my vocals. Once we were finished, he played it back for us. As it played over the speakers, he walked back to Scarlett and me and lifted her from her chair. He held her head and body in front of him so they could look at each other. He danced around with her to the slow beat of the song.
"What do you think, Scar?" he raised his eyebrows at her. "Isn't Mommy's voice beautiful?"
I smiled at them, getting up from the piano bench to join them. I set my hands on Adam's hips and he moved Scarlett closer to his chest to fit in between us. Both of our gazes were fixed on the infant as we swayed to the song.
"I think she likes it," he whispered, as Scarlett's eyelids flickered shut. "It's the perfect lullaby."
I wrapped my arms around my husband's lower back as the tiny human we'd created drifted off to sleep in his arms. I pulled my eyes away from her to gaze up at Adam. I cupped his face in my hands and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him.
"I love you," I told him, amazed by how perfect everything was in that moment.
"I love you, too. And I love you," he lowered his eyes back down to our daughter. "More than anything."

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