BANG!!! I open my eyes to see the wooden lid of a coffin. My coffin. How can i see the lid of my coffin. It's a faint bluish glow of light that allows me to see. I lift my hand to touch the lid to see that my hand is transparent and glowing the pale blue-ish glow illuminating this coffin. I place my hand on the lid, expecting to feel wood, but my hand goes through the wood. A feeling of freedom comes over me and i know exactly how to float.
I float out of the ground. AGGGGHHHH!!! I look to my left and see a woman standing there with flowers, looking terrified. I faintly recognize her. I start to float towards her. I remember her. She's my mum. I reach out for her, "Mum" i call, but nothing comes out. She turns and runs, and i flot after her. She reaches into her bag and throws a mirror at me. I look into the mirror and see that half of my face and brain is hanging out. The rest of me is made up of peeling flesh. Bits of skin are peeled off, and blood runs down me in a continues flow. I will forever be chasing the flesh i gave.
Short Stories
Short StoryThese are just some short stories. They may be dark or light, happy or sad, violent or peaceful, Enjoy :)