Say Something

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This is supposed to be sad, but it's my first time writing something sad so it might not be as sad as I've tried.

The video lyrics aren't in English, but whatever.

This takes place after Petra's death and it's practically talking about how sorry he is for not getting to the Female Titan and his squad before they all died. Mostly Petra though ;D

And so the journey begins...

Say something I'm giving up on you...

Petra saw the Female Titan coming at her, and she knew she wouldn't be seeing any of her squad members for a long time.

I'll be the one if you want me to...

She didn't want to die, of course, but as long as it wasn't him dying, she was happy.

Anywhere, I would've followed you...

She always followed him around, making him coffee, anything. She grew feelings for him and wanted to stay by his side forever. That was her last thought before everything went dark for Petra.

Say something I'm giving up on you...

Levi heard Eren's titan roar and immediately turned around. He wasn't going to waste a second trying to get back to her. He soared through the trees hoping and praying that she was still safe and unarmed. One he saw Gunther hanging from a tree, his hopes kept decreasing.

And I, am feeling so small...

There she was. Slammed up against the tree with her spine bent and broken. Levi wanted to curl up into a ball right then and there.

It was over my head...

He knew it was stupid. Only an idiot would go rushing full speed towards the Female Titan. But he didn't care, he needed to kill the monster who killed her.

I know nothing at all...

Rushing towards the Female, Levi ran into Mikasa already trying to kill her. He saw Eren's Titan, so he understood. He grabbed Mikasa and said to focus on getting Eren and not to kill her. Levi was surprised by his words, but kept up his facade. He told Mikasa the plan to distract and him to attack, and got behind the Female type.

And I will stumble and fall...

The plan didn't work and the Female turned around and punched right at Levi. That's when all his rage poured out. All the pain and suffering. He shot towards the Female Titan at full speed, not caring about the blood on his clothes, only avenging Petra. But as Mikasa trying going for the neck he twisted hits ankle, and stumbled.

I'm still learning to love...

Levi flew away from the Female type with Eren and threw him into Mikasa's arms. "Take him," he gruffed out. Mikasa left without a weird with Eren in her arms.

Just starting to crawl...

After Mikasa was out of sight Levi collapsed to the ground on his knees. The pain in his ankle was unbearable--but he had to see her. Levi stated to crawl through the forest towards Petra.

Say something I'm giving up on you...

After crawling for a while, Petra came into his sights. Now that he was sure nobody was around, he couldn't help tearing up. He loved her. And he failed her.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you...

He crawled to Petra's body and the closer he got the more emotional he got. He finally got to Petra grabbed her and pit her in his lap. "I-I'm so sorry..." Levi sobbed. Humanity's Strongest Solider was crying. "I wasn't able to-to," he paused from his sobs. "I-I couldn't get to you!" Sobs shook his body violently. He couldn't hold it in anymore.

Anywhere, I would've followed you...

After the titans were gone he was gonna marry her. Petra didn't know, but her dad had already talked to him. They were going to be together. Forever...

Say something I'm giving up on you...

All Levi wanted was that this was all a dream. That he was going to wake up and hear her voice calling him again. With all her love and respect. Heichou!

And I will swallow my pride...

By this point Levi didn't care who saw him. He was giving up everything. He was still in the forest, titans could come at any moment from the sound of his cries. It didn't matter anymore, though. He already lost what he cared most about.

You're the one that I love...

Levi could have stayed out there forever with her, but he knew Petra wouldn't want him to die. He grabbed her body, after wiping his tears, and took off in his 3DMG towards the others. As he played her body down in the grass he grabbed her Recon Corp badge off her arm. They started the wagons, but got caught up with titans from the two idiots trying to retrieve another soldiers body. The only option was to leave the bodies...

And I'm saying goodbye...

Levi didn't want to leave Petra's body. Why the Hell would he say that? Oh right, Petra. If she ever became a burden she would want to get rid of.

Say something I'm giving up on you...

Levi still didn't believe she was dead. He would come back. He looked forward, determined for when that day would come.

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you...

As they were walking into the walls Petra's dad came up to Levi. How? How am I supposed to... Levi stayed silent cause there wasn't anything he could say. He didn't get to Petra in time and he would regret it for as long as he lives.

Time Skip~6 years later

And anywhere, I would have followed you...

Levi has been waiting for this day. The day he could get back to Petra. He served well. He lived his life as long as he could for Petra. But unfortunately he couldn't keep it up forever, and didn't see the abnormal titan coming towards him.

Oh, oh, oh, oh say something I'm giving up on you...

As soon as he got snuffed out though, he traveled in this sort of spirit form, straight outside the walls. He remembered exactly where her body was.

Say something I'm giving up on you...

He approached and saw her body first. Then her spirit body. Heichou! You came back!

Say something

Hand in hand, forever and always. Through life and death


Props to my shitty writing. Vote if you want. Comment if you want. Follow if you want. Anything you want. ^-^

Call it Shit even, because I know that's what it is.

Anyway I should probably do a disclaimer. I don't own Shingeki no Kyojin it belongs to Hajime Isayama. Now go on brats.

~Satan's Favorite Daughter

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