Day 2

3 1 0

Current situation: Listening to the Gilmore Girls theme song on repeat, and feeling ripped off because I was supposed to get paid for doing a 20 minute survey but didn't. Waste of time.

Goal: Study for an upcoming co-ordinate geometry test

Days: 304

I'm currently sitting on my bed and drowning in the fumes of my own sweat. It's extremely unhygienic and disgusting. I know. I've been putting off studying for this math test because, let's face it, I don't understand any of it. But I am determined to stay motivated and am going to tackle on the studying, head first. 

I should also probably explain the list of things I want to accomplish as well.

1. Scholarship

I've been wanting to get into this extremely expensive private school for ages and a scholarship has just been opened and I am awaiting for an application to be sent to me in the mail, but in the mean time I shall keep studying hard at my current school.

2. Straight A's

Pretty self explantory, I need good grades to get into this prestigious school and then hopefully Yale.

3. Happiness

If you didn't get the picture from my previous entry, I am extremely unhappy. But I want to change that. After all I feel as though if I am to get anywhere in life, I first have to be happy with who I am and what I have.

4. Concentration

If I want to get anywhere in life and not become a stripper I pretty much have to have concentration. I am so easily distracted that its a wonder that I get anything done. I urgently need to be able to concentrate on my goals.

5. Love

According to some scientist who was doing a TED talk, the key to a long, successful life is having love and good relationships with everyone. Firstly, I think its important that I learn to love myself (Hailee Steinfeld seems to have it down pat) then once I can do this, maybe I can learn to love those around me for who they are and learn to appreciate everyone in my life.

6. Clear skin

I'm a teenager. Of course I'm going to have acne. But I think the key to getting rid of this is having a good balanced diet, which I am currently working on.

7. A job

Ha! I can cross that one off of my list. I am no longer jobless!!! I am now working at a shoe store which isn't ideal, but it pays so that's always good. 

8. Fitness

I am so unfit, it is not funny. There are people at my school who can literally run 16 km without stopping and I can only do 3 km. But I would like to work on my running speed more than my stamina.

9. Motivation

If I am going to get anything done on this list I am going to need a hell of a lot of motivation.

So, there you go. These are my personal goals.

I am now going to put an episode of Gilmore Girls on and am going to do co-ordinate geometry. Excitement. 


(UPDATE: the scholarship application has arrived and I have four days to complete it and I am freaking out because there is sooo much to do)

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