Just TWO more days of hell week left
So some guy decided to put an ice cube down my shirt as a joke.
Yeah I returned the favor by slapping him
Serves them right all though it did wake me up xD
I got my uniform today too :D I was number 118 for every thing and the lady that measured my waist told me I had a prefect figure
I felt so special ^_^
mom: why did you back march into all those people
me: my glasses were fogged completely and I couldn't see a thing so I was practically guessing where I was going
mom: ahh
mom: popcorn?
me: I'm half asleep don't judge my statements
mom: ok?
and that was my conversation with my mom on the way to the band room I'm sure I got a few giggles outta every one
OH and my dad told me if I got through the week he would buy me ANYTHING I want
right now I have a crappy flip phone
what I'm after is an iPhone 4
I can't stand not being in my friends texting circle I feel left out D:
WHELP this little tall gal is tired
My Experinces in Marching Band
RandomMy experience to becoming a Cape Central Marching Tiger. I will update every new experience in marching band and I will add all the songs I played after I graduate so at the end of my first book will be all the songs I played.