How it all began...

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kk heres the first chapter! ^_^ 

Chapter 1 *Emily’s p.o.v*

Running up the building with a bunch of bad guys on my tail, I grab my pistol and shoot at random down the dark stairwell. A cry of pain and a deep grunt means I got one. “Ok Emily. One down a whole lot to go!” I encouraged myself and sped up to the roof and locked the door behind me. There was nothing to hide behind and no where to jump except a 70 feet drop into a watery death. I mean I could jump off but I’m not one of those Mexican cliff divers….

There was a bang on the door. “Open up!”A deep raspy voice cooed. I slowly walked to the edge and debated whether to jump to my death or get shot by a bunch of bastards. In my head I cuss myself out for being an idiot and letting my teammates go, especially Jake.

 “Oi! You! Shoot the damn door down!”The raspy voice commanded and there were shots of guns being fired and the spot where the doorknob used to be was now a hole. The door was kicked down, which was unnecessary. A tall man with bulging muscles and scars all over his face appeared at the doorway. “You know you put up a mighty good fight, “he started and let his hand caress his shiny black gun, “too bad you have to die. “He said without any emotion.

‘Think Emily think!’ I exclaimed in my head. “C’mon I’m too young to die.”I said slyly. He laughed evilly and cocked his gun. “I’m not afraid to kill little 14 year olds. “He snickered and let his finger caress the trigger. “I’m 15 now.”I corrected him and pointed my gun at him and pulled the trigger. It just made a clicking noise signaling that I was out of ammo. The man gave a hearty laugh and took a step closer. I took a giant gulp.My life can’t end now! I haven’t done anything on my bucket list except for kissing a guy and sky-diving!

“CA-CAWWWW! CA-CAWWWWWWWW!!!!! MEOW! BARK! COCKADOODLEDOO! MOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!”A familiar voice yelled from down below me. My saving grace…Katie. The men looked around for the source of the random outburst of bad animal impressions. “Well, it was nice to see you boys! Ttyl!”I exclaimed and jumped off the building. A bullet pierced my side and I let out a cry of pain. Falling and bleeding I started losing consciousness. This is how it’s going to end all I’ve fought for is gone. Goodbye world. Goodbye Jake. Goodbye Katie. Goodbye James.

This is how everything started:

I kicked my legs in the seat of one of my mom’s office chairs while listening to ‘cheers (drink to that)’ by Rihanna on my itouch. My mom was typing away on her MAC and listening to some Christian music. She looked over at me. “Could you go to the break room and get me water?”She asked. I nodded and left her office. I walked down the boring halls. “Break room….break room…break-“I ran into what felt like a wall and fell on my butt. “Hey watch it!”I snapped and looked up. A tall very handsome guy around my age with eyes as blue as the ocean and shaggy dirty blonde hair was towering over me. “Er-I mean sorry…”I muttered and looked down. “It’s alright…um….”

“Emily.”I finished. “Emily.” he repeated and held his hand out. I sheepishly took it and he lifted me up with ease. “I’m jake.” he said. I nodded my head. “Nice to meet-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" screams pierced the air down the hall and gunshots drowned out the screams. “get down!” Jake yelled and pushed me under him a whir of a bazooka flew over us and blasted the wall behind us into dust. We stayed curled in each others arms until he lifted his head up and stood up quickly and helped me up. My mom ran past where we were. “She’s not here I sw-“a man in all black shot her through the heart and she fell to the ground. “Mom!”I cried as tears immediately streamed down my face.

The man turned to face us with his gun pointed at us. Jake took a pocket knife out of his pocket. The man smiled showing off yellow teeth. “You think you can beat me with a stupid little knife, pretty boy?”He sneered. Jake clenched his teeth and threw the knife at the man and hit him right on the neck. He coughed up some blood and fell back. We ran over to him and Jake unceremoniously yanked the knife out of the unnamed man’s throat. I bent down and picked up his Smith and Weston. I clicked the safety and stashed the gun in the inside pocket of my jacket.

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