Chapter 6: Be A Friend

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He almost had no recollection of going out for drinks after winning...if you could call it that. He had no idea until Iwa told him the run down of things: getting wasted, Iwa carrying him back, Oikawa puking. No he didn't remember falling asleep, nor did he remember falling off.

He groaned, his head felt thick and heavy, and his back felt like it'd been mauled by a bear.

"Get your ass up," Iwaizumi growled, looking down at him. He was always grumpy when he didn't get good enough sleep. "And get your things. We have to get going."

"Mrrrg...." Oikawa moaned sleepily, burying his face into the ground. Hangovers sucked. Finally, he managed to pick himself up, and collect his things, putting them together. He was sluggish as ever, yawning and stretching every five seconds. Somehow he got everything down to the car, including himself in one piece.

As he made himself to the car, the crazy quick couple (Kageyama and Hinata) eyed him, and their parents (Daichi and Suga) told the boys to stop staring him down. Oikawa didn't care. Not a single fuck was given. Hinata relented but Kageyama glared harder.

He put his sunglasses on, Iwaizumi finally getting in the driver's seat and started the car. Off they went...

As they drove back, Oikawa interrogated Iwa, asking him the details of the night before. If Oikawa had said anything stupid...his heart jumped as the car jostled. Finally he got Iwa to talk.

"You drank and drank like an alcoholic douche bag. You kept flirting and trying to act cool which you usually do but its a million times worse with liquor."

"Hey,"Oikawa said defensively. "Don't be rude." Iwa wasn't saying that Oikawa had confessed or fone anything to Iwa...he closed his eyes praying that he hadn't.

"....then you got all weird," Iwaizumi seemed to say a bit reluctantly.

Oikawa's heart stopped. "W-what do you mean?"

"You said weird things."

"To who???"

Iwa sighed. "Me, Tooru."

Oikawa's heart plunged further, his skin feeling hot and cold at the same time. "I-I don't remember any of that....What did I say?" he awkwardly asked.

"Sexual things, that's all I'll say," Iwa said, his voice final and tired. "And it was pretty nasty," he added.

"How nasty?" Oikawa perked his head up a little nervously.

"Bile came up in my throat nasty." Iwa straightened his head to look at the road.

Oikawa wanted to scream. Fighting these feelings were so hard. Iwaizumi thought he was disgusting. Oikawa knew if he wanted to keep his best friend, he would have to stay just than and be nothing more. A friend.

"Sorry Iwa chan, I was really drunk. I didn't mean any of it," he turned his head and looked out the window, tired as hell.



Filler Chapter! This is just a quick thing Sorry ;;;-;;;

Im working on longer chapters so this just a breath basically.


I like writing long winded things so deal with it the best parts are coming

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