Valentine Day

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'Laa laa laa laaa , you huu ~ opps i forgot the -Adore U- lyrics . Wait a minute is that Woozi hyung ? Woozi Hyung !! ' . our hyperactive Seokmin (DK) is always happy .

'What are you doing here ? Arent you suppose to be at class ? ' . ask Woozi .
'Iam on my way to my class now . Em hyung what is that ? i think that is a choclate right ? ' . opps , DK saw that choclate , how will Woozi explain to DK now .
'Nope ' . Woozi is covering himself .
'Uhm okay , bye hyung !' . DK waving to Woozi and Woozi hide his choclate on his bag . To who Woozi will give that choclate ?

>Ji Ah

*Its Valentine Day and hm just like the past years , no boyfriend no choclate , just watching my friend with their couple . Kinda jealous but , well no one want me , just being single* .

'Ji Young ah , wanna go to the canteen ? ' .
'Em sorry i have to go to somewhere now ' . hm looks like Ji Young have a boyfriens too . Suddenly a little boy gave me a choclate ! wow ! Am i dreaming ?

'Noona , i have choclate for you' say that little boy .
'Is this really for me ? how did you know me ? and from who ? ' . iam so exited and curious about this choclate .
'That hyung say , i must gave this to you , he said that he is sorry ' .
'Who is that hyung ? is your hyung ? ' .
'No , its Seventeen hyung . opps i cannot say that' . haha how cute this kid , closing his mouth because he almost say the secret .
'Hm never mind little kid . Say to that hyung , thank you very much' .
'But that hyung , he dont want you to say sorry . He said he supposed to said thank you because you accept his choclate' .
'Hm little kid , even who is that hyung i mus say thank you okay ' .
'Okay , good bye noona! ' .

*That boy waving me and its so precious to have this choclate . Should i share to Seventeen ? This choclate is too big for me*

~At Dorm

*DK and Seungkwan suddenly came to Ji Ah room*

'Noona ? what are tou doing ? We are not distrubing you right ' . Its Seungkwan voice's and he is with DK .
'Just come in , iam just relaxing my body because iam so tired ' .
'Okay , um noona where did you get that choclate ? ' . DK saw that choclate on my table .
'A little boy came to my class and gave me this . But he dint tell me who give this . '
'Because i think i've seen this choclate' said DK .
'Who ? ' . ask me and Seungkwan .
'Or maybe iam wrong hehehe ' .
Haha DK is so funny , always make me laugh . Not like the one guy , always scold and mad at me (Woozi) .
'Can we eat this together ?' . Ask Seungkwan .
'Ofcourse , call the others members . We can eat this together . I cannot eat to much sweet ' . or i will get fat .
'Okay , lets go to the Dance Room all the members are there' . said them .
'Okay ! let go ! ' .

>Dance Room


'Hyung ! come here . Ji Ah bought us choclate . Lets eat together ' . said S.Coups hyung . I just nodd . Wait , a choclate ?! they eat together ? .

'Woozi sshi , come here , you want some ? ' . said that girl
'Nope , iam working now ' .
'Hyung , dont be like that . Just accept it ' . said Mingyu .
'If you want , just eat for me . I said i dont want , its mean no ' .

*I just left them . I dont want to join just because the choclate . How dare the girl share the choclate with them ? I give her just for her , so i can accept her well in our house but urghh ! why iam so stupid to give a choclate to her on valentine . Never mind , it doesnt mean i like her if i gave choclate*


'Guys , as you know we will go to the Jeju Island ! ' . thats a happy news from leader Coups .
'Am i dreaming ? punch me guys ' . Yup thats Vernon , so shock and blank .
'Slap ? i will give you 100x times of punching ' . jokes Seungkwan .
'When ? Tomorrow ? This weekend ? Come on , tell us hyung' . maknae Dino cant wait it .
'Wait , before you tell us in details , Ji Ah will join us too ?' . ask Woozi , that angry face start showing on his face .
'Eumm , yes , she will join us' . said Coups , he know that Woozi will not join them if Ji Ah is joining .
'Ji Hoon ah , dont be like that , she is a part of our house member' . said Wonwoo .
'Wonwoo was right hyung , you should join us too ' . plus Hoshi .
'Did i say i dont want to join you guys ?' . smirk Woozi
'So you will join us ? really ? wahhhhh ! ' . shout them .
'Ji Hoon ah , thank you ' . Coups give him a big smile and tapping Woozi's back .


'Its weird right hyung?'.
'And its shocking' . its Mingyu & The8 .
'We should thanks to hyung right'
'Maybe his mood is okay , so dont ever make his mood down.'
'Yeah , or maybe will leave us at Jeju Island and going back home alone'
'Should we make a suprise to Ji Ah noona ?' .
'Hey maknae , since you been so Gentleman huh ?'
'I just want give a suprise to her' .
'We understand that , we will help you okay ? ' . waiting for a big suprise from Dino and Seventeen for Ji Ah .
'Okay Seventeen , lets go to sleep , its 12:00 am already ' .
'Alright hyung !!' .

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