Chapter 7

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About a week after Kit's fight with Ronan, Andrew called a few of the boys from the Shadow Wolf cabin to his personal cabin.

"I just need a moment of your time." Andrew said, inviting Ian, Keith, and Tyler into his cabin. Once the boys were seated, Andrew pulled a chair up across from them.

"I would like your opinions on Kattis." Andrew said, "Should she stay?"

"You can't get rid of her." Ian said, "Christopher has been doing a lot better with her here."

"It's been good for him to show her around and work with her." Keith said, "It's given him something to take his mind off of what happened to Marc."

"How is she doing with Kvick?" Andrew asked.

"They seem to be doing fine for a new wolf and a new rider." Tyler said, "She says that they get along well." Andrew nodded.

"Thank you boys." Andrew said, "I think that we'll let her stay and see how it goes. I'm intrigued to see how she does. You may go." Keith, Ian, and Tyler all stood and exited the cabin.

That evening, when Kattis returned to the cabin, she found a smooth wooden horn lying on her pillow. She picked it up and sat down, turning it over in her hands. It was much like the horns that most of the boys carried around with them. Kit carried one at his hip wherever he went. Next to the horn was a slip of paper. She picked it up and read: Christopher. Route Seven. Effective immediately. Until further notice.

For a moment, Kattis just stared at the paper. Then she smiled slightly. It was her first route assignment! She was actually going to be delivering messages!

Kattis was still admiring the horn when the rest of the boys returned to the cabin from dinner. Kit glanced at it and a smile broke out on his face. He hurried over to his bed and picked up another small slip of paper. When he read it, the smile slid off of his face and he dropped the paper back on the bed. Kit kicked the bedpost angrily, then sank down on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Kit, what's wrong?" Ian asked, coming over to sit beside him.

"They gave me Route Seven." Kit mumbled in a choked voice.

"What?" Ian asked, "Andrew wouldn't do that again. Not after what happened to you."

"He did. You can see for yourself." Kit said, nodding towards the paper. Ian picked up the paper from where it lay on the bed. He read it with a frown on his face.

"Why would he do that?" Ian said quietly. Kit shook his head in reply.

"What's wrong with Route Seven?" Kattis asked to no one in particular.

"Seven was Kit's last route." Keith said, glancing over at Kit nervously.

"You can tell her, I'll be back." Kit said, standing up. He crossed to the door and exited, shutting it hard behind him.

"Kit!" Eric shouted, grabbing Kit's jacket from the bedpost, "Hang on!" Eric exited the cabin as well, carrying the jacket and calling for Kit. Keith sighed.

"Last winter was hard for Kit. He and Marc, his last partner, got into some trouble on the mountain that Route Seven goes across." Keith said, "He's never told us exactly what happened, but Marc and his wolf didn't make it back alive."

"Kit was obviously very upset by this and he hasn't had a partner to ride with since." Tyler said, "None of us thought that Andrew would give him that route again." Kattis nodded.

"Why doesn't he just ask Andrew if he could change routes?" Kattis asked, "I'm sure he would understand."

"He would, but Kit is too proud." Keith replied, "He doesn't want Andrew to think less of him because he's scared."

"But if his partner died, then he has a right to be scared." Kattis said.

"If you can get him to understand that, please do." Tyler replied. At that moment, Eric came back into the cabin, Kit's jacket still over his arm.

"I can't find him." Eric said, "He's not in the barn, and I can't think of where else he could be. The snow is heavy and the wind is strong. He'll be in trouble outside without a jacket."

Keith stood up and pulled on his own jacket.

"We have to find him." Keith said, "Give me his jacket, I'm going out. Anyone who will join me I'd appreciate the help." Tyler and Anthony both grabbed their own coats. Eric said that he would stay because he was too cold from leaving without his own coat earlier. Kattis hesitated, then grabbed her own jacket and followed Keith, Tyler and Anthony out into the snow.

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