white privilege

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my opinion on that won't please everyone but idgaf honestly this is my rant book my opinions i can do whatever the fuck i want with it

we dont need to protect white people. they already have all the privilege

i am white and i don't need to have people standing up for my rights as a white person. because i already have them

we need to protect POCs, we need everyone to be equal

e v e r y o n e

but my point (that won't please everyone) is that i noticed some stuffs and i just don't want people to stereotype anyone

if you're a girl and you're white : you like starbucks and john green and stan smiths????????????????

what is happening to white people is not racism, definitely not, it's just that many people are making fun of them for their skin color which doesn't make sense

"white girls be like" as if being white and being a girl was bad?
that kind of pisses me off

that might seem extra and well, 'white' to some of you but i ain't even complaining, it's just prevention because white people aren't all racist dicks, so not all of them deserve this kind of treatment. tho racist dicks do deserve it

bUuUuuUt !!!!!!! the priority atm is to protect POCs, that's for sure, we still have a long way to go and im 70000% willing to fight alongside those who need it, so this rant is just, sort of a warning i guess?? more like prevention :--)


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