Chapter 18 getting to talk

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Danny's part

I rushed over there Louise let me in and I rushed up and knocked on Lucy's door

Danny: Lucy please open the door

Lucy: go away

Danny: I'm not leaving till you open this door


Open the door

A couple seconds later the lock twisted and the door opened

There stood the beautiful Lucy

Lucy: what do u want

Danny: I wanted to talk

Lucy: about

Danny: can I just come in

Lucy opened the door wider so I can come in and I walk in

Lucy: so what did u want

Danny: I wanted to talk about what happened.. Yesterday

Lucy: what happened yesterday

Danny: do you want to explain to me why oh locked yourself in your room

Lucy: idk

Danny: I know you know

Lucy signed seating on her bed

Lucy: it was because I know someone would say something

Danny: say something about what

Lucy looked up and me then buried her head in her hands

Danny: Lucy you can tell me I'm always going to be here for you

Lucy: well Ilikeyoumorethenafriendbuticouldnttellanyone

Danny: Lucy you spoke to fast what did you say

Lucy: no don't worry about it, it doesn't matter

Danny: yes it does just tell me

Lucy: I like you

Danny:I like you to

Lucy: u don't get it do you

Danny what do u mean

Lucy: I like you.. More then a friend


Ohhhh cliffhanger also guys if u don't know I have a Instagram fan account called imapotato4life so go and follow and also what do u think is going to happen next

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